Way back in the murky past (circa 2006) when I started this blog, I called it “Losing It” because I was on an epic weight loss journey. Three years after the birth of my second child I weighed nearly as much as I had on the day she was born. I hated myself and my body and I wanted to finally just be … [Read more...]
‘Labour Day’ is the new ‘New Year’s Day’ part II
This whole diet, new lifestyle, be more organized ‘Labour Day’ is the new ‘New Year's Day’ is tough. In my last blog I wrote about how now's the time to refocus, set goals and get organized. Now is the perfect time because when the kids go back to school you’d think the structure would make it … [Read more...]
Paleo Update
So, after last week's post, musing about the possibility of trying the Paleo diet, I just kind of quietly went for it. I didn't have grandiose dreams of sticking with it for a month, or even a week, but just took it one day, one meal, at a time. I did it. And am still doing it. Here's what I … [Read more...]
It Gets Better
We're in a very good space with Cuyler right now. Which is kind of remarkable considering we are in week 7 of summer break with 2 more to go. I usually get through these last two weeks of summer break by the skin of my teeth. Counting down the days. Not knowing how I made it through each day … [Read more...]
Swap & Drop Diet Cookbook Review!
When the warm weather finally hit last weekend, I was more than ready to swap my jeans for jean shorts, swap my hot tea for iced, and swap my crock pot for my ice cream maker. In fact I was pretty much ready to swap out everything that reminded me of winter. Thus, when Best Health magazine sent … [Read more...]
Gwyneth Paltrow’s New Cookbook Not to Everyone’s Taste
Stop the presses. Gwyneth Paltrow (40) has written a new book. The actress-fashionista-rock star wife-mother-GOOP owner's, latest cook book is called "It's All Good: Easy Recipes That Will Make You LOOK GOOD and FEEL GREAT" and it's already number one on the Amazon best-selling books list. Let … [Read more...]
Hungry For Change
I just watched this documentary and it made me want to hide in a closet, shut out the real world with all of its toxic processed food, rock back and forth to the soothing rhythm of my industrial juicer and sip on some freshly pressed kale juice for the rest of my life. Totally a realistic life … [Read more...]
This is not a resolution.
I know there is a whole anti-New Year's resolution movement happening but this isn't about that. I am fine with resolutions. Being forced to reflect and make plans to be and do better seems OK to me. I have made resolutions, some successfully and some not-so-much but I definitely see the value in … [Read more...]
words for wednesday- I love you
Dear Gluten I know lately you have felt unloved. You have become the bad boy in the kitchen like a bully in the playground. In restaurants people whisper about hating you, being intolerant of you, and requesting you not come anywhere near their plate. Bags of pasta and flour scream pick me, pick … [Read more...]
The Kind (Of) Diet
Last week I randomly picked up Alicia Silverstone's book "The Kind Diet" at our library, thinking it might have some good vegetarian recipes I could try out. I was pleasantly surprised by her writing skills (admittedly, I can still only imagine her as a real-life version of the character she played … [Read more...]