We went on a road trip this weekend to visit my son. He's away at his grandma's for a three-week visit and we are popping up to see him on weekends to soak up some sun. We went the whole first week with a steady stream of photos, but no phone calls. This didn't really phase us, but we were curious … [Read more...]
Respect Your Elders
When you have a kid you get a ton of unsolicited advice. The number one bit that I got, 'enjoy it because these times go fast.' I can tell you when living with postpartum depression the first eight months or so, I wanted to punch everyone in the throat who said that to me. I would physically … [Read more...]
What is a DIGITAL FOOTPRINT and why you should know this.
I had a quick conversation the other day with a friend. I had mentioned something about DIGITAL FOOTPRINT to her. She stopped walking and said "I don't even know what that means!" So, let's discuss...your digital footprint. Put it this way, anything you post, tweet, or text leaves a trail. It … [Read more...]
You Won’t See This on Pinterest.
One thing I respect about toddlers is their unwillingness to simply go along with something you think might be fun. "You want to take me to a farm and take pictures and I am to smile? HOW ABOUT NO." I get it. I don't like the outdoors either, especially not the rural outdoors. The wifi is … [Read more...]
Gimme a Break
We've always known how lucky we are, having all four grandparents living no more than a 10 minute drive from us. We've never paid for a babysitter. We get out regular for kid-free nights with friends. We are very fortunate. Last night I blow dried my hair (I never do that), I slapped on some … [Read more...]
Lucky Boy.
I have the happiest toddler in all the land, at least for tonight. … [Read more...]
Catching Crabs.
One of the things I love about living on the coast is the access to all the seafood I could possibly eat, more or less for free. Spouse and his friends fish for trout and salmon, so our freezer is always stocked with whole and smoked pink fish; if we feel like clams, it's not a long trip … [Read more...]
Behaviour Shift
Why can’t my kids act the same around me as they do around everyone else? Last week, we shipped our sons off to Collingwood, Ontario to spend some quality time with my mother and stepfather, combined with a week at day camp on Blue Mountain. Initially we thought about leaving them with my parents … [Read more...]
Great grandfathers.
We're celebrating Father's Day this evening with a picnic and maybe a present for Spouse if he is lucky. Tomorrow, we'll celebrate our own dads, Toddler's grandpas. I was very lucky to have some pretty awesome grandpas. My mom's dad had stashes of chocolate hidden in drawers and cabinets all over … [Read more...]
FotoFriday – Footy Fun
Every Wednesday: Three kids. Three soccer games. Staggered times on different fields. Thank god for grandparents. … [Read more...]