Things I No Longer Give A F**k About At 40

Eat This, Not That. 6 Easy and Healthy Swaps to Make This Summer

Your Kids Don’t Give A Sh*t About Your Summer Activities And Bucket Lists

Summer Is A Special Kind Of Torture For Working Moms

5 Summer Cocktails For Your Impromptu Get-Together

Things I No Longer Give A F**k About At 40

Eat This, Not That. 6 Easy and Healthy Swaps to Make This Summer

Your Kids Don’t Give A Sh*t About Your Summer Activities And Bucket Lists
“Stop making that noise, it makes me want to throw squirrels.” The sound of crackling plastic was driving my husband to the point of rodent aerodynamics. It was day two of summer break. The day before, he was rejoicing at no longer having to pack lunches and fight the morning traffic driving our son to […]

Motherhood, And All The Ways I Plan On Failing
So much of parenting is about teaching our kids, whether directly or indirectly. It’s something you’re never NOT doing, and we all have wins and fails. There are the big things—respect, safety, responsibility, gratitude, kindness—and then the little things, like teaching them how to make a bed or tie their own shoes. When my children […]

How to Talk with Teens About Drug Use
Parenting a teenager is not easy. There are so many things we as parents need to figure out and navigate and monitor and discuss. Are they having sex? Are they doing drugs? Are they skipping school? Are they making good choices? Somehow, we have to figure out how to help guide them and keep them […]

Summer Is A Special Kind Of Torture For Working Moms
Summer used to be magical. The hot weather, the outdoor adventures, the complete and total lack of responsibility. School was over for the year and there was nothing to do except swim, ride bikes and eat ice cream cones. Sometimes we were sent away to stay with grandparents. Other times we went to day camp […]

Life As A SAHM Was More Emotionally Taxing Than My Job
For ten years, I worked tirelessly at home as a business owner, freelance writer, mom, and wife, and I thought I was the happiest woman alive. As it turned out, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Despite my insistence that my life at home was exactly what I wanted, it took a major shift to […]

Moms, Let Go Of Career FOMO And Start Saying No
Growing up, a lot of us were told the same thing: work hard, and you can do anything. It was the mantra of our generation, instilled by parents everywhere as they encouraged us to pursue our dreams. It didn’t matter if you wanted to be a teacher, a doctor or an astronaut—just keep at it, […]

Things I No Longer Give A F**k About At 40
It’s coming, like it or not. It’s looming right around the corner. The next decade. Officially middle-aged. The big 4-0. Wasn’t I just 20? How did we get here so damn fast? I don’t even feel like an adult yet. Some of my friends are having grandchildren, what the hell is that about? I swear […]

Top 10 Best New Date Night Restaurants in Toronto
By Sonya 7 Comments
Winter months are here and our lives are a little quieter after the holiday rush. We’re taking a little more time to read, catch up on Netflix, and just be cozy. It’s also the perfect time to schedule in a few date nights! We’ve eaten (and have returned to) some of the newest restaurant openings […]

I Was Sideswiped By My Own Divorce
Ahh, sometimes I miss my smug married life. I’d been married for 11 years, to the person I thought was my very best friend. We had similar interests, we laughed together, worked as a team, and had grand plans for our mutual futures. I could never understand how people were sideswiped by divorce until I […]