For ten years, I worked tirelessly at home as a business owner, freelance writer, mom, and wife, and I thought I was the happiest woman alive. As it turned out, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Despite my insistence that my life at home was exactly what I wanted, it took a major shift to realize I’d … [Read more...]
I Never Really Wanted To Sell At Home MLM Parties
Last week, we posted one mom's story on why she is over her friend's asking her to be a part of their MLMs. This week, we are looking at the issue from the other side as another mom shares why she never really wanted to throw your party in the first place! “Hey, friend! How’s it going? I am … [Read more...]
The Urban Mom: Parent Club’s Caroline Fernandez
This month’s Urban Mom is Caroline Fernandez, founder of Parent Club, author of two best-selling children’s books and mother of three adorable children. Occupation: Author, family/lifestyle blogger, and Mom of 3. Hometown: Toronto Current town: Toronto Taking the bull by the horns and … [Read more...]
Mom For Hire: My Mommy Resume
I have been working for the same organization for the last ten years, so I haven’t spent a lot of time creating resumes. I wondered aloud about what I would put on my mommy resume to showcase the many skills I have acquired when I'm not trapped in a cubicle. Excellent stakeholder … [Read more...]
The Evolution of a Working Mom
So I am into my fourth week at work. Wow. Nearly a month under my belt and aside from getting lost in the parking lot and mixed signals causing my daughter to be forgotten The truth is, I was a reluctant entrepreneur. after school, we are adjusting amazingly well. I worked at home for over 8years … [Read more...]
My friends’ husbands.
Do you ever look at someone longingly, wishing you had what they do? I do it all the time with many of my friend's husbands. Shocked? Well, it's not what is seems. I am not looking at them in that way - my hubby is plenty cute enough thank-you-very-much - I am longing for their existence.Many of my … [Read more...]
Where did that go?
For the past week or so, with a few other parents, I've been working on Cam's grade 5 graduation. Getting t-shirts ordered, food and music figured out.It's a good distraction from the fact that the one and only year that my children will all be in the same school together is coming to an end as Cam … [Read more...]
FotoFriday – Rink Rat
This is where we are every Monday morning - Parent/Tot skate. Another reason that the debt incurred by me staying home is worth it.She'll be able to say that her mum taught her how to skate. … [Read more...]
My Week as a Full-Time Mom
First, let me clarify that in this post I am only talking about me. This is simply my experience. I am in no way attempting to make sweeping statements representing all working moms or commenting on the challenges of staying at home. I am an expert on neither.For the last 10 days I have been … [Read more...]
Women’s Work
Sometimes I look at the eclectic group of friends I have and wonder why these relationships work. I was chatting with one of these pals yesterday. We often laugh at how different our lives are, she is an active stay-at-home mom, volunteering on every committee, staying up all hours to bake homemade … [Read more...]