My two older girls are off on an adventure with my husband's mom, so for the past few days we have been hurled back in time, to a day when we just had one kid. How did I ever think this was HARD? We have been playing at the beach, getting stuff done around the house, and it's … [Read more...]
Toddling into the Terrible Twos.
I guess I could tell you the kid is advanced, because he seems to have hit the Terrible Twos a few months early. We've been doing pretty well - we've been managing moods and mitigating disasters (LIKE MOTHEREFFING CHAMPS), but tonight the levy broke and he spilled over and Spouse and I got … [Read more...]
It’s a boy
Finally the babe has arrived and it's a boy! Our newest addition arrived July 3 just after 1:00 a.m. via emergency c section (yes again!). I gave it a good try, making it to the end (thanks to my doula for keeping me focused), but my body just isn't made to push babies out that way. I was … [Read more...]
Just Like His Mother.
Toddler is very adept at maneuvering the playground single-handed; he has to be, because if he wasn't that cookie might actually have to leave the firm grip of his other hand. … [Read more...]
Can’t Soothe Him…With No Soother
Well, we had to do it. It was a tough decision but my wife and I agreed that now was the right time. We watched this go on for too long; we’ve put it off, made excuses, heck we’ve even justified it, but now was the time. Any parent out there will be able to relate to this, that’s right, this … [Read more...]
Aunts and Uncles
Though I have a rather large extended family, I have never been close to many of my relatives. I have one aunt and grandmother I maintain regular contact with, and as far as uncles, I have been fortunate to have two rather excellent ones; on my dad's side, Uncle David; on my mom's side, Uncle … [Read more...]
Wednesday Nights
(This picture isn't from Halloween but rather from a Wednesday night in June) My wife and I have a fairly new thing, we both get a night out a week. It’s not every week but we do try to do a little something for us. I play in a dart league in Acton on Thursday nights and Charlene goes out for … [Read more...]
Bukkit, bukkit, bukkit, he sings.
At 19 months, I think it's safe to say that babyhood is over, and what has emerged out of it is now a full-blown person. The weird little quirks that make a person unique are emerging every day; the boy spins, and dances, and sings. He makes faces. He covets - there is a boy named Jojo at his … [Read more...]
The Kid Won’t Eat.
When I was pregnant, I remember reading with smug satisfaction on Pregnant Chicken the lists of things mothers swore they'd "never do" once they had kids. I knew kids were unpredictable - I was going to make no such assumptions about my future parenting. I had some general ideas, like how I would … [Read more...]
Special moments
Now that this babe is almost fully baked I've been really taking in as many moments as possible with L'il E and the Hubs. I'm obviously over-the-top excited about #2, but I'm feeling a little bit sad that my L'il E isn't going to be my baby anymore. What's it going to be like splitting my love and … [Read more...]