I've now been away for five days, and haven't seen Toddler since I put him to bed six days ago. Spouse and I have been talking via Skype, so we have been in regular contact, but Toddler is a rocket and he only whizzes past the screen occasionally. He has been a blur, chirping "mama, out" and trying … [Read more...]
George… Fit for a King
With the recent birth of the royal baby and the announcement of his chosen name, we've been waiting for George to start trending. I can assure you that my own father (a George) has been waiting for his name to trend for most of his 69 years on earth. He is more than ready for people to replace … [Read more...]
The Reality of Breastfeeding
I didn't know I was having one of "those" days until I broke down in front of two women in the nursing room at IKEA yesterday. Yep it happened and there were hugs exchanged with complete strangers so thank you to whoever you two are. You really made my day. As you know we've go a lot going on … [Read more...]
Dabbling in Humour.
This little guy is becoming a big boy, every day a bit more. He's recently been playing with humour, and stumbled upon this face. He makes it to make us laugh, and it makes him laugh. These are funny times. I'm looking forward to all the jokes ahead. … [Read more...]
The Dust has Settled
I'm baaaack. So apparently I took my own advice and just checked out for the whole summer. Moving forward I promise to post more regularly. We have had one of the most insane two months of our lives and that's why I haven't been writing, despite having so much to write about! As you know on … [Read more...]
Lucky Boy.
I have the happiest toddler in all the land, at least for tonight. … [Read more...]
Thomas? THOMAS?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics too much television before age 2 can stunt a kid intellectually and make him suck at life forever. [youtube id="IVTOC2uCbl0"] Also I just want to point out that he did that to my living room. It was clean when he was napping. Also I don't know … [Read more...]
Too Much Thomas
[youtube id="hw522GIskVc"] There are trains rolling through our apartment now most of the time, and my plan to allow only minimal TV-watching (when I'm making dinner or just want to stare blankly out a window for fifteen minutes) has failed. "Ohmas? Ohmas? Omhas?" Toddler mews, his voice … [Read more...]
I was just at the grocery store picking up produce to make baby food for my friend Aimee's little one, and the most beautiful man in the world was also there. He was tall and lithe, with effortlessly wavy brown hair and eyes that were poetic in their depth, wise, and so green. In a simpler time, I … [Read more...]
Everything You Ever Wanted.
One day you might find everything you ever wanted is right there in front of you, staring you in the face, dripping molten chocolate all over everything. And sometimes there are mini marshmallows there (or their metaphorical equivalent, I guess), and it is almost too much to take. If … [Read more...]