I don’t want to paint the world with one huge brush stroke so let me start by being clear. A lot of the girls from MTV’s Teen Mom, and other teen mothers who have not experienced fame and fortune because of it, have gone to do great things, raise their kids in healthy, happy environments and set … [Read more...]
Forget Grey Hairs: The Financial Toll Of Parental Stress
Three economists have crunched the numbers and found that parental stress comes with a hefty price tag The cost associated with raising a child is astronomical—a recent study estimates the average is over a quarter million per child. But what about the other costs that go along with parenting? … [Read more...]
Parents, We All Have Something To Lose
"Mommy, I had a bad dream!" my little boy whined, climbing into my big bed and grabbing a pillow. I pulled him close to cuddle me and I asked him to tell me all about it. He hesitated at first. Then slowly, the story came out. He had a bad dream about a burglar coming in and shooting us. "I don't … [Read more...]
The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree
I was told my child was sarcastic and difficult on a particularly tired day at daycare. It didn't take a lot of insight to realize where that came from, just a long, hard look in the mirror. Of course, that required a conversation because he needed to understand what it's like to be that way all the … [Read more...]
Raising Boys & Single Mommy Guilt
I recently attended a fundraising event for my boyfriend's daughter's school. It was a great night out for parents. We were all happy to dress up, get out, socialize and, oddly enough, talk about our kids. One thing that became apparent was that all siblings seem to bicker and fight. All boys are … [Read more...]
Being A Single Mom & Picking Up The Pieces
A fresh set of eyes can be helpful in solving problems. What eyes are fresher than those of a child? My child is a very inspiring problem solver. He sees solutions that I would never even dream of because he is so imaginative. He's good at puzzles—picking up the pieces and putting them where they … [Read more...]
Given The Choice
Before I had Will, there were a few promises I made to myself about how I wanted to raise him. Now, stop rolling your eyes. These weren't promises along the lines of 'my kid is going to be the next Michael Jordan!' I'm talking more along the lines of things I wanted to do to make sure he kept … [Read more...]
Hiker Calls Police On Charlize Theron’s Tantruming Child
Tantrums are quite common amongst young children, no? I mean, it's almost expected to happen especially when things don't go their way. They cry and scream in obnoxious volumes but wait a couple minutes and fingers-crossed, it's all over. But calling the police because of it is nothing short of … [Read more...]
On Accepting Your Children For Who They Are
Trigger warning: this piece contains abuse details that are very upsetting. Well, here's a heartbreaking tale. A Southern California couple has pled guilty to beating an eight-year-old boy to death because they thought he was gay. Here are the facts: Peal Fernandez (the boy's mother) and her … [Read more...]
Strict Parenting May Be Negatively Affecting Kids
Do you define yourself as a “Tiger Mom”? A new study says that you may be negatively affecting your child’s self-esteem and adjustment in the classroom. A survey of 589 middle and high school students in Hangzhou, China found that adolescents with parents who are controlling, punitive and less … [Read more...]