There are so many things about parenthood that irk me. And I know that I will miss those things when my kids grow up. The toys scattered throughout the house. The printing on the walls. The fingerprints on the windows. One thing I know I won't miss is carving a pumpkin at Halloween. I absolutely … [Read more...]
PolkaDot Pumpkins
For the fourth year in a row I was talked into buying 5 pumpkins. One for each of us. We should each have one. It's only fair, right?Right...Well for the fourth year in a row I was stuck gutting and carving 5 pumpkins by myself. They always start off excited. They bring their pumpkins … [Read more...]
Dude’s a Duck & Scary Pumpkins
I know, it has been forever, but you'll have to forgive- it's report card season and, for all you non-teachers, it's the most hectic time in a teacher's life. I have to prepare, with meaningful comments, over 90 report cards in about a week. And while it may seem that little to no … [Read more...]