I’m someone who gets joy out of giving gifts to friends and family. I love the look on their faces when I’ve nailed their gifts, and I consider myself a gift-a-holic. This time of year, it’s very easy for me to get excited and maybe a little bit carried away. I try to get a jump start on my holiday … [Read more...]
What Are You Thankful For?
This weekend is Thanksgiving, so with that in mind I decided to dedicate two blogs to what is my second favourite holiday. Of course the number one holiday I love to celebrate is Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday. (Kidding - it’s Christmas, but I love EAP.) So, this blog will be a list of things I’m … [Read more...]
Ongoing List of Things to Be Learned
There are plenty of things I have taught my boys over the years; things like manners, how to land the perfect high five, and of course pull my finger. There are plenty of things, as a parent, I still need to teach my kids. You know, things I need to teach them to be successful, upstanding young men; … [Read more...]
Back To School List For the Momma
My kids return to school in two short weeks (WAHOOOOOOO!!) and I have been trying to line up all the things I need to do before they make their scholastic debut.1. Dentist appointments. All the kids need the two months' worth of hot dog and popsicle residue scraped off their chompers.2. Haircuts. … [Read more...]