It never fails, as soon as the holiday season approaches someone comes down wth something. Typically during the final week of school the children start getting stuffy or runny noses, coughs, and sore throats and beg me if they can stay home. I am a monster though and unless my child has a really high fever, is vomiting, or looks like a zombie than they are still sent to school! Yes thats right I am known as “that bitch mom” who sends her sick children to school – bite me.
Thatcher opening presents with the help of the big boys
Well this year was no exception, however I thought we were in the clear given the fact that some stomach virus went through us all about a month ago and then they all had the flu shot. Wrong!
It started on December 19 with Zachary. he obvioulsy had some type of stomach bug that lasted about 24hrs. Then there was nothing until Christmas Eve. As you would have read in my previous post Christmas Traditions we had a meatless dinner of the children’s all time favourite Pizza. Shortly after dinner while the babies were opening their gifts Thatcher gave his big sister Marie the gift of vomit all over her. She wasn’t impressed but he appeared fine with no other incident after that so I chalked it up to the pizza disagreeing with him.
Hmm maybe it was here they passed along the bug…….
I could only be so lucky. Later Christmas eve Joshua complained that he felt dizzy and his stomach hurt and sure enough within a few hours he was back and forth to the bathroom for most of the night.
Christmas morning Joshua still didn’t feel all that great and after opening Santa’s gift and stockings Sebastian started running to the bathroom. Looked as though the big turkey that was cooking in the oven wasn’t going to be enjoyed by everyone!
Poor Sebastian was ill all day and spent the day sleeping and in the bathroom. By 7:30pm tonight Tanner decided he didn’t want to miss out on the excitement and so vomitted all over the crib – fun.
So this now leaves just 3 more children to hit and I’m betting it will be Arielle, but time will tell and judging how the clock worked with the others it shouldn’t be long now………..
Ryley all dressed up with no stomach bug – yet.
Has your family ever been hit with an illness on Christmas?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
yup, right now as a matter of fact 🙂 and probably only the one (my oldest) i think my youngest is part tank and no bug can hurt her. oh well…makes for quiet times. at least now she knows when she’s going to throw up. when she was little she never threw up so when she VERY rarely did she didn’t know what was happening so couldn’t warn us to get a bucket. at least that’s one small gift…the gift of knowledge 🙂
merry christmas and i hope that is all the vomit for you guys this year!