Women would be happier if _____. Fill in the blank! But not too creative with your answers because everyone knows women only want to stay home and raise children because working makes them super unhappy. This morning as I was sipping the latte I bought with an adult colleague, I happened … [Read more...]
Working Girl
A major life change has been tossed our way: I am going back to work next spring. Our original plan was for me to be a stay-at-home-mom until our youngest was in school, at which time I would pursue part-time work. I never really planned on being a driven career woman; I still want to be home when … [Read more...]
Judge This!
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I was a young mother with a four-month old daughter. I religiously attended La Leche League meetings and co-founded a natural parents group at the local complementary health centre.I breastfed. On demand and in public. Proudly. Ostentatiously, even. I … [Read more...]
Flexible Employment
In playgrounds everywhere moms can join the great debate of staying at home with children vs. returning to work. For many women the choice can be painful and gut-wrenching and feel like an all or nothing decision. But does it have to be? Most moms will agree – a happy mom means a happy … [Read more...]