I can tell it's here when my eyes prick with tears while listening to some dumb song on the radio. Or how when my husband gets a bad case of the hiccups and instead of laughing I want to punch him in the neck. Or when my kids are fighting and in 0.3 seconds my blood begins to boil and I yell louder … [Read more...]
Yo Gaba Gaba
1. I go from zero to CRAZY MAD in 2.3 seconds.2. Pinterest makes me want to jump off a bridge.3. My to-do list feels like a boa constrictor wrapped tightly around my gut.4. I want to eat all of the things. Well, first I want to deep-fry them. Then I want to eat them.Yep, it's that time again.PMS.The … [Read more...]
I’ve Got the Pre-Christmas Blues
So, it's December in a couple days and I am not even remotely ready to get into the Christmas spirit. I feel like I am still catching up from the busy pace of the fall, still trying to stay on top of all the usual needs of the day, and the thought of digging out the Christmas decorations, planning … [Read more...]
Off the Pill. And Off My Rocker.
After popping back a birth control pill every night for the past decade, my husband took permanent measures to prevent any future pregnancies and I went off the Pill.I had been warned that going off the Pill would leave me with much heavier periods, increased acne, and irregular cycles and … [Read more...]
Why so sad?
We are coming off an amazing March break. It was great for everyone. Things have just been...really good. I feel as though, lately I've gotten to a really good place as far as raising a child with autism. Raising a special needs child.I remember how numb each of those terms … [Read more...]