I love the internet, and of all the wonderful things on the internet, I love Google best. Google and I, we get each other. Sometimes we'll stay up all night, and we've gotten to know each other so well that Google has started to finish my sentences. Well, not really. Although it might seem like … [Read more...]
Women Would Be Happier If
Women would be happier if _____. Fill in the blank! But not too creative with your answers because everyone knows women only want to stay home and raise children because working makes them super unhappy. This morning as I was sipping the latte I bought with an adult colleague, I happened … [Read more...]
International Day of the Girl Child: October 11, 2013
Due to a lot of confusion and bad information, I feel like I spend 50% of my time online ranting about inequities and trying to explain that feminism is simply the belief that women are people and that all people are equal and deserving of autonomy and opportunity. That's it. It's not about cutting … [Read more...]
Feminism, Arts and the End of an Era
When I sat down with the incredible cast of Little Mosque on the Prairie to talk about the series finale, I didn't realize how much I'd throw things off, or what a diverse discussion we'd have, when I brought up an article Deb McGrath (Mayor Popowicz) had posted on Facebook the previous … [Read more...]
It may not have turned out exactly how I planned…
Do you ever do something, plan it really well and feel really, really good about it only to be slapped upside the head when something totally unexpected takes it somewhere you never, ever anticipated? Maybe it's just me.I have been wrangling with this in my head since this past Saturday where, at … [Read more...]
Do You Say it? The F-Word
I often catch the first few minutes of CBC Radio One's The Current on my way to work in the mornings. Just the other day, Anna Maria Tremonti interviewed Gloria Steinem in her series on Gamechangers (both women I greatly admire, by the way), and the bit of the conversation I heard was about young … [Read more...]
Sunday Surf – Covering Up
Annie, over at PhD in Parenting, created this video as a follow up to a post called Covering Up is a Feminist Issue. The video speaks for itself. I agree with all of her points about breast feeding in public. Women should be able to nurse whereever and whenever they need to. Of course, … [Read more...]
What Ever Happened to Feminism?
I often wonder what has happened to feminism. Several incidents have brought it to mind again. One is that my daughters want every stuffed animal and book character to be a she. Most of us naturally refer to a creature without an obvious sex as a he. For example: teddy … [Read more...]