So. I was going through my cupboards and fridge (must be a daylight-savings induced spring cleaning) and I got thinking about some favourite recipes that I either make all the time or haven't made in a while. I haven't eaten a lot of "real" food lately, since I've been workin' the Isagenix … [Read more...]
How Do I love thee? Let Me Count the Ways…
I meant what I said in the comments of Jen's latest post today. There are SO many reasons I love food. Let me share some of them with you here: VarietyOkay, it's true. The Isagenix shakes taste good. Both the chocolate and the vanilla. But twice a day, every day? With only one "real" meal … [Read more...]
Day 1 – Pre-Cleanse
Well today was my first day on the Isagenix program. I started a day later than Kath and was fully prepared to be absolutely starving after her admission to nearly snacking on dryer lint. But to my surprise it hasn't been bad. I mean, I'm hungrier than I would normally be but not so much that I have … [Read more...]
Retrospective's the time of the turning of the year. A time to look ahead, but also a time to take stock. I decided this time to take a look not just over the past year, but over my entire weight loss journey to date. Why? Well, to re-motivate myself during the cold winter months ahead...this journey … [Read more...]
Kill Me. Kill Me Now.
What was I THINKING??? What could I possibly have been thinking? Granted, yes, I have lost five pounds since I last weighed myself (2 days into this Sacred Heart Misery) so there is a definite rapid weight loss factor. There is also a very definite and pronounced MIND-LOSS factor! I told my husband … [Read more...]
DETOX: Day Four
Wow. Who knew that doing a weirdo fad detox diet could put you off food entirely? Today's regime was bananas & skim milk. I was hungry to begin with, but amazingly enough, eating only bananas has a way of making you prefer hunger to eating. And I like bananas. Get this though: I'm at the airport … [Read more...]
DETOX: Day Three
Can I tell you what a luxury it was to actually eat fruit today? My hubby came home from work just raving about the apples he ate. Ahhhh...sweetness! I tell ya...if nothing else, this Sacred Heart Diet sure teaches you discipline. Tomorrow's nothing but bananas and skim milk - that should be … [Read more...]
DETOX: Day Two
All right. Day two was hard. HARD! Can you imagine? Nothing but vegetables? Mostly raw & fresh? And your treat, treat! Is a potato. *help me* Well, it wasn't all that bad, and I actually figured out that I wasn't so far off from a decent Weight Watchers day in the end. I'm sure my body will … [Read more...]
DETOX: Day One
Blech. That's how I've been feeling lately. My eating's been blah - not the worst, definitely not the best. I'm still in the gain 3 lbs, lose 3 lbs mode. And it's totally because I'm completely unmotivated. I also haven't been exercising at all, other than day-to-day stuff, like walking to my … [Read more...]