It all started with a tummy ache. Not a terribly bad tummy ache -- enough to miss school -- but not enough to worry me just yet. A little later on, I turned to Facebook for advice instead of commiseration: At this point, everyone (myself included) thought she was the victim of a … [Read more...]
My Village
There's an old African proverb, popularized in the West by Hillary Clinton: "it takes a village to raise a child." It takes a village to raise a child. It's a beautiful sentiment, really, this idea that community and connectedness is vitally important both to the healthy and happy development of … [Read more...]
Dem Bones
Something is wrong with my kids' bones. Really. When she was only three, my youngest broke her arm at summer camp, and then her leg while skiing with the family. And last night, my older daughter broke her arm. While tobogganing. And I wasn't even there!So yeah, you can just call me fracturemom. … [Read more...]