- My husband is out of town this week for work, and I miss him like crazy. Every thing in my house seems off kilter and wrong. Unbalanced and weird. Countdown to his Saturday return begins.
- My mother-in-law came to help out with the kids while my husband is away. She was awesome and I wanted her to stay forever. She left today.
- I took out the garbage in a fuzzy robe and slippers. As I did that, I thought “How did I become this person who leaves the house like this??”
- The kids had their H1N1 vaccines last week. See here for full story of that crazy day. Side effects were: low-grade fevers about 24 hours after innoculation, a swollen eye (which lasted 4 days) for the Girl, and super-crankiness for the Baby.
- It’s cold. My automatic physiological response to the change in weather is to completely shut down and hide in my house. I can’t face it. It makes me grouchy. Today my kids had swimming lessons and we didn’t go. Because it was too cold. Wet kids plus Arctic piercing wind is a bad combo in my opinion.
- There are two houses for sale on my street. Real estate agents drive fancy cars and have nice shoes.
- Good wardrobe news: all my winter clothes from last winter are too big! Bad wardrobe news: I desperately need winter staples like fleeces, turtlenecks and warm pants. I think it’s off to Land’s End I go (at Sears).
Winter boots? What are those??? I have to say I don’t even own a pair, I hate them so much, and I just can’t justify spending tons of money on nice ones that I wouldn’t hate. I make it through Calgary winters with only Hikers and wolly socks!
And WTG on the winter wardrobe, you have got to love it when clothes are too big!
My hubby leaves tomorrow for his four days away and I hate it when he’s gone, too! The family just doesn’t feel the same when it’s missing a member. I can understand.
Let’s hope the H1N1 vaccinations have done us all some good after everything we’ve gone through to get them!
I love that you went outside in your robe to take out the garbage. I don’t think you can call yourself a mom unless you’ve done that at least once.
Oh, and Jen, re: winter boots, I bought a pair of Pajar boots last year and they are the nicest, warmest non-Sorel winter boots I’ve ever had. http://www.pajar.com/en/Pajar
I walk the kids to school in the coldest weather in these boots and still feel stylish while I stay warm. Love ’em.
Nice post..Yes in life all should choose the best things..
like good job,good friends,good leisure wear and good shoes that will make our life very happy and meaning full.
I like this born boots.
Thanks..keep posting
I’m going to second Amreen’s La Canadienne recommendation. I’m on my second pair (sadly, Amreen, they don’t last forever, but I got six years out of my first pair!). They’re more expensive than I’m used to paying, but well worth the investment. Feet First has a good selection of them, too.
Snow is bad. yuck.
For boots, i only have two words: La Canadienne. By far, the best boots I have ever owned. they look gorgeous, are super-warm (my feet stay super-toasty even with no socks), they last forever (my last pair lasted 4 winters), they require no maintenance. you can get them at capezio and corsica on the danforth
I need winter boots SO badly. I’ve been wearing the same boots since my eldest was born. He is 10.
I wish my mother-in-law was awesome when she came to help.
It is cold. I saw snow today.