I took the kids back to school shopping Tuesday because we had no plans and I knew if we stayed home they would do nothing but taunt, tease and drive each other crazy.
Then on to the shoes! I love shoes and love buying my kids shoes. I tried to keep school practicality in mind.
Buying school shoes for Cuyler has proven tricky these past few years.
Luckily my almost10 year old has wee feet (youth size 1 or 2), so he still fits into preschool category in most stores.
That had laces.
He could have chosen 3 other pair of Lego shoes that had a z strap or velcro, but it was the lace ups that he wanted.
Fine. We’ll try them on.
“I’m sorry. We don’t have his size in that style. But we have a 1 or 2 in all the other Lego styles.”
Of course you do.
I was hoping that he would forget about them.
Yesterday morning I found a pair that I thought he would love and bought them, hoping it would redirect his attention from the other shoes and save me a trip out of town for them.
I presented them to him with the most enthusiasm I could.
His response was a despondent “OhhhhNoooo…they’re velcro…I need tie up shoes…”
He talked about the lace ups all morning.
Demanded we go buy them.
Insisted he had to have them.
He asked every 15 minutes if we were going to the big mall to get them.
I kept telling him I didn’t think we should buy them because he didn’t know how to tie laces. He kept crying for them, saying he wanted laces.
Then…he said he wanted “to learn how to tie lacing shoes”.
These shoes were motivation for him. He learns when he is motivated.
We did compromise and came to an agreement that he velcro ones I bought will be his outdoor shoes. The lace ups will be indoor. I couldn’t do that to his EA (send 2 pair of lace ups).

We have a week and a half to work on it before school starts. I know it won’t happen that fast. This is going to be a long process for all of us. This skill is tricky for most kids to learn, never mind a kid with fine motor issues. Cam was in grade 3 when he mastered it. Unlike my generation who knew how to tie their shoes in kindergarten. There was no choice. No velcro shoes, no z straps, and nobody to do it for you. We learned because we had to.
Now it’s his turn. I believe he will learn because I expect him to.
I thought perhaps we should teach him in stages. Break it down into steps, allowing him to master one at a time.

Way to go! Cuyler will get this one too!!! Hmmmm….thanks for reminding me that I need to buy M some GOOD shoes for school. My Value Village sensibilities could stop at her having quality shoes. Now, I need a GREAT pair of runners. I’m going to try running starting in September. Big hug and kiss from M and I xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
No shoe laces yet…:(
Good for Cuy!!! Proud of him
Good luck Christine. If needed, my therapy clinic recommended these:
They are used by triathletes. Worth a try?
Oh, he’s going to master this thing… this is really great, Christine!
And I hope they all love their shoes!
Advice? Give yourself lots of time to leave the house.
I never give myself enough time and then I’m rushing the kids and they feel the pressure to tie their laces quickly and it’s no fun for anyone!!! My boys, age 7 and 9, both know how to tie their laces, but it takes a long time to be proficient and quick. They were both motivated to learn because they wanted a particular pair of shoes. Good luck to Cuyler. I know he can do it!
God I love Cuy. He just makes me melt with every story you tell. He’ll get it – he will because he wants those shoes. (I love those too!). Let us know how it’s going!
that is so great, non? i find he’s being very self-motivated which must be great…although i’m sure it’s bumpy.
my girls found a book they liked about tying laces and it was one i approved of(loop, swoop and ?pull?). i went through about 3 or 4 books that showed the most ridiculous way of tying laces where you just tie the “bunny ears” together and that is the worst way to do it.
he’ll get it! i know he will!