As far back as my memory serves me, I have loved writing.
I was a total bookworm growing up and always had my nose between the pages of a book.
I would staple stacks of paper together to write stories in and (very badly) illustrate them.
I had no idea writing that blog would bring so many amazing people into my life.
I loved writing it because I wrote about what I knew. My life. My family. There were no expectations regarding the content.
“No way. Nobody is interested in my life.”
and then “Besides…I’m not that good of a writer anyway.”
Sean was the force behind me saying yes. He convinced me that I should.
After speaking with Jen, I knew I wanted to be a part of UrbanMoms.
Prior to UrbanMoms, the only thing I ever wrote that I was exceptionally proud of was a story for young children that made it through a round or two at an editors desk. It never went any further than that.
Somehow I lost the hard copy on my computer and it’s gone forever. It still makes me sad.
It was really good.
As much as I am critical of my own writing and I very often wonder if it’s good enough I have always hoped that one day I would be published.
Every time I click the “publish” button on this blog I feel a little bit of pride. Pride that people want to read what I write and enjoy reading what I write.
Last year I received in my inbox a call to submit a story for the next Chicken Soup For The Soul book. This one is about raising kids on the autism spectrum.
I submitted a story that I thought was fitting. I told nobody and then I forgot about it.
Until I received an email in January informing me that my story had made the final selection round. I was cautiously excited and still told nobody. Not even Sean.
I had some paperwork to fill out and send back and then waited once again. This time I didn’t forget about it. It was all I could think about.
Published? Me?
Published? In a world renowned book series?
Yes! Me.
I received the email on January 29 informing me that my story had been selected to appear in Chicken Soup For The Soul: Raising Kids on the Spectrum.
It felt like a dream come true.
My submission is a story that I am proud of and a story that has a heartwarming message behind it.
I get paid for the submission and I get 10 free copies of the book, plus the option to purchases cases of the book for half price.
Leave a comment telling me a dream that you have or a dream that has come true for you and you could win a copy of this book!
(If you wish to purchase a copy of the book, it will be available on April 2, 2013 which also happens to be World Autism Day)
My dream is to meet all of my online-autism-mom-friends (and their kids) in real life. You are all more “real” to me than many of the people who live on my street.
My dream is to hear my nephew tell me he loves me….. 11 years, and I’m still praying like crazy!!!
congratulations my friend. well earned.
Congratulations Christine. This is an amazing achievement!
My dream is to become a hockey star… ha ha ha. Obviously not going to happen at age 38 after 3 kids, but I enjoy playing house league hockey and learning new skills everytime I go to hockey school!
Now that I look at the other comments, my dream seems a little shallow! I also dream of a happy, healthy life for my babies!!
My dream is to see my children overcome the challenges they are faced with and to succeed in life. Oh and to go to Disney with them as I have never been!!
I’ve been following your blog for ages (we “met” back in the BabyCenter days). I’m not at all surprised that you are now “officially” published, but I am thrilled!
Congratulations and keep writing. You have a lovely writing voice and important things to convey!
On a light note, is to hike the trail at Diamond Head! 🙂
My dream is to be able to plan my work around my life, as opposed to my life around my work. I have a cousin with autism and would give it to his parents to read.
My dream is to travel to Scotland one day.
My dream is to see my son-also on the spectrum-live a happy life with meaning and for him to always have people in his life who will love him and appreciate his strengths.
Congratulations on getting your story in the book!
My dream is to go on a vacation with my family of 5 and not have to worry about the cost of food, drinks, hotels etc.
Congrats – Love “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books!
Of course, this is your journey. You are amazing and gifted at many things. AND, the validation of a published piece really doesn’t hurt 🙂 Let’s see where it goes from here…
Much Love -K
This is just AMAZING!!! I am so happy for you. What an achievement. Congratulations xoxoxo
Amazing! Congratulations, Christine!
Congratulations Christine!!, Job well done!!