This morning I dropped Cuyler off at camp.
The previous 3 years I’ve dropped him off at Adventure camp at the local community centre.
This year we’ll be taking a different route and I will be dropping him off at our local performing arts theatre.
At his insistence I signed him up for Theatre Camp.
I think it’s going to be a great fit.
He walked in, confidently and loudly announcing “Everyone! I’m Cuyler and I’m here!”
He was greeted enthusiastically by the leaders and then he said “I have a question for everyone. Excuse me. Quiet please.”
He waited until he had all of their attention and said “Put your hands up if you liked the Wiggles when you were three!”
Oh dear…
I had a quick chat with his support worker then I walked out feeling excited for him and this new journey that he is on.
More and more I’m convinced that this is his thing. Performing.
You’ll recall his Knock Knock show from 2 years ago.
Or his magic show from last year.
He did magic again at this year’s talent show that took place last week. I was a wreck the night before and the morning of.
He didn’t rehearse and I had no clue what he was going to do.
It’s a bit lengthy (and some parts are wobbly, sorry!) but you have 5 minutes to spare, take a look at my magnificent magician!
[youtube id=”FGmaIB2OXGs”]
I love his expression! Amazing that he did that all without rehearsing.