Dear Gluten
I know lately you have felt unloved. You have become the bad boy in the kitchen like a bully in the playground. In restaurants people whisper about hating you, being intolerant of you, and requesting you not come anywhere near their plate. Bags of pasta and flour scream pick me, pick me at the grocery store like puppies at the pet shop wanting to be chosen.
Once everyone’s favourite and fully supported by Canada’s Food Guide, you are now pushed away, replaced by 365 days of Quinoa, and bread that tastes like my leather boot.
But Gluten, I love you.
Oh pasta with cream sauce. Oh baguette. Oooooo, croissant. I am feeling a little light headed and tingly just thinking about you.
Gluten, one of the reasons I love winter is because my gluten intake must go up to keep me warm. Spend a day outside in the cold and come in to you, Gluten? This is love. This is passion.
Gluten, I love you.
You don’t need anyone else. You have me.
Gluten has me, too! (Man, I am LOATHING my culinary life these days… Boo! Hiss!!)