So, in a few weeks, I'll be turning 28. On one hand, this seems crazy old, especially since I don't think I've aged much since 20. It's hard to reconcile Becca of eight years ago with Becca today. On the other hand, I got confused and thought I was 29 for the last year, so-- upon doing the math … [Read more...]
These are a Few of my Favourite Things… no particular order.Curling up with a good book in front of the fire.Nordic skiing with John through the forest on a crystal clear winter's day.Listening to Sophie & Fiona play & sing together (sooo cute, must video more for another post).Enjoying a delicious meal, cooked by someone … [Read more...]
size matters
I heard bumping and thumping at my front door the other night. A hard knock at the door followed. My body was frozen with exhaustion and I thought-if it is a friend in need they will really bang at the door and if it is someone to murder me- well then at least I won't have to get up to … [Read more...]
Armless Pianist Liu Wei Wins China’s Got Talent
I am in total awe. Liu Wei, the 23-year-old armless man who lost his arms at age 10 to an electrocution accident while playing hide-and-seek, won China's Got Talent. And ohmigod, he is AMAZING. I can barely walk with my toes. And seriously...he used chopsticks with his feet better than I can use … [Read more...]
The Truth
I have a reputation of sorts, for being overly organized. People poke a little fun at me for it. Some even ask for my advice or help. The truth is though, I'm equal parts obsessively organized and total slob. My house is no stranger to clutter. Some days it's like I have split personalities and they … [Read more...]
The Day I Lost My Sh*t
This past holiday Monday, my wife and I spent the day at a local mall. We asked my parents to watch Pea and we made it to the mall - one of the few open in the GTA - at around 1pm.When we arrived, it was as if Christmas had come early. There were people everywhere and parking was … [Read more...]
This Is Dedicated to The Ones I Love…
My dad has always been a charitable kind of guy. Not only has he contributed to his 'impoverished' children (alas...we will never TRULY be off the payroll) he has spent a great deal of his life giving his time and generosity to different charities. For that, and his successful career, he … [Read more...]
Small Fries for the Small Fry (WIN Build-A-Bear Prizes!)
Meet very first teddy bear. The story is that my Grandma bought Cinnamon for me on the day I was born, which makes him fully 41 years old (and it shows). And Cinnamon has been loved on a continuous basis ever since that day. He's lost his nose and most of his mouth, his fur has mostly … [Read more...]
One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Flu season is coming. Can you feel it? I used to not be too worried about the flu and would just expect that our kids would get sick, we'd all lose a little sleep while they fought the virus, then they'd get over it and life would carry on as usual. However, with last year's H1N1 scare, I … [Read more...]
Let’s Play the What If Game
This is "me" picturing "me" as Wonder Woman. I remember as a little girl how special I felt wearing the "Wonder Woman bathing suit". I felt like I was the coolest cat around. Those super "powerful feeling" days were few and far between while I was growing up. I was one of the "What If … [Read more...]
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