Aaaaahhhh! I actually GAINED weight (albeit only 0.8 pounds) on my second week of Weight Watchers. Why? It's not a mystery. It was self-sabotage. It goes like this: in my first week, I "cheated" a little, by not really tracking my points while away on a girls' weekend. I had a bit of … [Read more...]
Vintage Cookie
For years and years now (seriously, like ten years) I've been wandering grocery store aisles looking for my favourite old cookie that I remember from childhood. Every now and then it would hit me and I'd think, "boy, I wish I knew where to get some of those cookies with raisins in them", … [Read more...]
I Confess
I've been a bad girl for the past little while. That is, I haven't been entirely honest with you. I have, in fact, been hiding a dark, nasty little secret. But now it's time to come clean. I'm nervous though, and a little bit ashamed, so be kind, okay? Okay. I can do this. Are you ready? Can I tell … [Read more...]
I've been thinking lately about self-destructive behaviours, and why so many of us love to engage in them. Some examples? Overeating. Smoking. Tanning. I could go on...the point is, so many people have at least one self-destructive vice in their lives, and the amazing part of it is that we know the … [Read more...]
A Tale of Cream Gone Bad
Yesterday afternoon I decided to treat myself. I was at a coffee place (no need to name names) and got one of those lovely summertime treats: the frozen coffee beverage with whipped cream on top. Now, I love whipped cream so much that I usually save it for last...that's the beauty of whipped cream … [Read more...]
Gettin’ Sweaty With the Lawn
Summer is here, and our lawnmower just broke. Well, actually, it's been on its last legswheels for several seasons now, but we've been cobbling it back together by hook or by crook (and even -- in my desperation -- by duct tape) for the last two or three summers. She was a gallant fighter...been … [Read more...]
Eating Real
A little over two years ago, I went on a camping trip with my family. Stay with me here folks, it will come around to being relevant. We stayed at a pretty nice campground, with a kids' playground and a little lake and nice beach. The bugs weren't too bad and the local town (Vulcan, AB) had some fun … [Read more...]
Five Years=Forty Pounds
Can it be just five short years ago? So, so much has changed in my life since the birth of my second child that I find it nearly impossible to believe that only five years can have elapsed since that day. This, for one. Somehow my family has grown from this: to this: I and I have shrunk; … [Read more...]
Shark Helmet Cover
I sewed this shark helmet cover for my daughter's ski instructor … [Read more...]
Bunnyrabbit helmet cover
I sewed this bunnyrabit helmet cover for my daughter … [Read more...]