This year I only have 3 that are important – #2 being the most important.
1) I intend to FINALLY lose those last 7 pounds that have been stuck to me since my last pregnancy. It’s been an issue for me for 4 years so I will shut up, put down the king size aero bars and just do it. Finish it off. It’s not that much and I know I can do it.
Really….it’s gonna happen this year. I know I will never look like this again:

Really….it’s gonna happen this year. I know I will never look like this again:

(this was after 2 kids. Boy – that third baby really did me in. And ummm…wow. I had no cellulite. The opposite of that it true now. I have alot. I wish I appreciated that body when I had it)
But the number on the scale will be what it used to be. I don’t care what anyone says. To me – the number matters. I have signed up for a month of BootCamp and I intend to shed most of what I want to in January and I intend to keep it all off by continuing with my running and weight training at the gym.
But the number on the scale will be what it used to be. I don’t care what anyone says. To me – the number matters. I have signed up for a month of BootCamp and I intend to shed most of what I want to in January and I intend to keep it all off by continuing with my running and weight training at the gym.
2) I also intend to get back on track with Cuyler. We have let things slide and we are all paying for it. It makes me mad and sad that we’ve been so lax about things where Cuyler and the autism is concerned. But now I know what needs to be done. I HAVE to carve out time everyday to get his activities in. I MUST be more diligent with his diet and supplements.
I may not get back to doing this many with him:
but I have a plan and I intend to put it in place, starting tonight. I am ordering him a new supplement that I have been eager to try with him but it’s a bit pricey. I can’t put a price on his health, therefore I can’t wait any longer.

3) Lastly, I intend to start reading again.
I used to read books. all. the. time.
I was a member of Doubleday Book Club for years and would not nor could not go to bed unless I read beforehand. I had bins and bins of hardcover books (that I have since donated or sold).
Lately – well…for a long time now – I feel like I just mindlessly stare at the laptop every night surfing site after site of just stuff. Aside from my writing – there are other things I need to do besides having the laptop open and my mind not doing much of anything.
Lately – well…for a long time now – I feel like I just mindlessly stare at the laptop every night surfing site after site of just stuff. Aside from my writing – there are other things I need to do besides having the laptop open and my mind not doing much of anything.
Ironically, thanks to facebook and twitter, I have a list of dozens of books that peaked my interest and I intend on crossing several off that list this year!
What are your intentions for this coming year?
Happy 2011 and cheers to you all!
Tracey, that’s what it is – facebook and twitter. now I’m gonna search for you and friend you!
SISTER! Yay! You certainly did do it right!
Yes – you can say I gained 60 pounds with Cam. Especially since I gained 67! I keep no secrets here!
Mum gave me a book that was highly recommended but I’m finding it a complete yawner. What’s the one you’ve got?
Thanks for the comment – I loved that you did that 🙂
Christine, this is your biggest sister calling (yes this is my first post to your blog – am I doing it right?)
1) You looked amazing in those pictures – and – you look amazing now, you looked amazing when carrying Cam made you gain sixty pounds (is it OK that I said the actual number?)
2) Most importantly – You are a wonderful mum that is always in tune with the needs of all of her children.
3) I just finished a great book. I’ll pass it along when I see you next.
As for my intentions, I intend to let the important people in my life know just how important they are. Baby – that’s you!
I love your intentions, lady. I especially hear you on the reading department. I’m sick at how few books I’ve read in the past several years now – I blame the Littles, but the truth is I’ve allowed Facebook and Twitter and blogs to take the place of my hardcovers. I hate that. I have similar intentions… and I must stop buying books until I read some of the unread ones. Oy.
Happy New Year, Sugar!! I hope you get your every wish… xox