The past four weeks have been crazy, and I’ve been delinquent in posting. We had family visiting from out of town and decided not to come out to them, putting a lot of stress on our trio. Not fun. But I’m back, and ready to keep posting again,and answering your questions.
In my last post I promised to address a few reader questions soon – that’s today!
Sara asked, “Do you ever have extra-marital relationships that your husband disapproves of? Do you always choose females as your extra partners? How would your husband feel if you chose a man? Is their a difference in jealousy with man vs woman?”
We’re currently in a closed triad. That means none of us are having relationships, sexual or sexual/emotional, with anyone else. Before our triad formed and closed up the shutters, all relationships or encounters were discussed before anything happened, in order for each of us to feel comfortable with it.
Previously I chose females as my partners. This was because there was less pressure, less risk, less unknowns, or at least, it felt like that to me. My husband was definitely happy I wasn’t pursuing other men; however, if our trio ever opens up, the topic will be opened up again. He has pushed his boundaries in thinking about it, and so have I.
Is there a difference in jealousy between men and women? Maybe. I think my husband feels a very primal, gut feeling jealous reaction to the idea of me with another man, a reaction he doesn’t experience thinking about me and another woman. I used to feel that way about him and another woman – and to be honest, I do sometimes still feel that feeling. But I’ve identified it as fear based, and it’s not something I welcome into my life and emotions, and I actively work to push fear and jealousy out of my life.