Wow. (can you tell I’m excited?)
Believe it or not, I’m back at the gym. After 6 months of doing SQUAT.
Actually, all summer, I went to the pool but I stared at it (while tanning). My bike sat in the garage and my running shoes did not go running. I was on vacation!! (well not really, but you know what I mean).
I trained a lot last year, so I could complete an olympic distance triathlon. This means, I swam for 1500 m, rode my bike for 42 km, and then ran for 10 km. I am no athlete, trust me!! I was one of those kids in gym who was always picked last, and broke out into a sweat if we had a gymnastics unit. As an adult, my only form of excercise was to watch tennis from the comfort of my couch. You get the picture.
But one day I turned 40 and said to myself …”Time to run”. So I did. I put on my running shoes and ran. ( a little). The next day I ran more. Two days after that I ran even more. After completing two half marathons, I said to myself “what next?..let’s see, I can swim and I can run, lets see if I can bike”.
So I borrowed a friends’ bike (I still owe him a cheque), and off I went to the outskirts of the city, to practice hills, gear changing, riding with cleats, etc.
I did one tri-a-try (350 m swim, 10 km bike, 2.5 run) and loved it.
So here are my goals for 2010. I want to participate in 3 Sprint Triathlons and run the Sporting Life 10 km in 59 minutes. (not 60).
Wish me luck.
Hey – I dont know – should I leave a comment or will I getted ripped into !!! Just joking :).
Great Stuff Vicky…glad you are back into it – its tough to train during the cold , dark winter days so keep it up …summer is just around the corner
This entry is great motivation for me to get back into a routine. It’s impressive that you weren’t a runner and within a matter of time, you did a triathlon. Good for you!!!!
You can do it Vicky and I can’t wait to read all about it here!!! I don’t think you need luck – you’ve got drive 😀
I did the Sporting Life 10k in 61 minutes. My goal was under 60. If I can get my back better I might try again too!