We took the kids to Canada’s Wonderland yesterday.
For the first time. Ever.
I think Cam is the only one of his friends who hadn’t been yet. And I felt bad. We haven’t done much this summer. Sean is just taking holidays now and I have a hard time taking the 3 of them by myself because Cuyler can be pretty unpredictable. I’m not comfortable doing day trips on my own to busy places. And that really sucks – but it’s a reality that we live.
Anyways – Wonderland. It was a super hot, humid summer day. Perfect.
Kids were excited, we got cheap tickets because we went on September 1 and hey – fall prices!
On the tip of a friend I took a copy of Cuyler’s diagnosis just in case they were able to make any accommodations for him. I went to guest services and in less than 5 minutes I had one of these in my hand:
A Boarding Pass.
They put him in the database, so anytime we visit the park he/we will be issued a Boarding Pass.
They put him in the database, so anytime we visit the park he/we will be issued a Boarding Pass.
This allows us to get on the rides at the exits. Which means no waiting in lines. And they made it for all 5 of us so any combination of us could use it. All so Cuyler wouldn’t have to wait to get on a ride or wait for his brother or sister on a ride.
We didn’t use it for all the rides. We made him wait in some lines that weren’t terribly long – it’s life and we want his life to be a typical as possible – that means waiting in line for a ride.
He’s not going to get a line pass at the Fall Fair or at other parks so he has to be able to wait for some period of time.
But we also wanted to enjoy the day so we did use the pass to get on lines that were crazy long. I felt bad and to be honest – had a hard time looking people in the eye who had to wait in the long lines that were giving us the WTF? face as we walked up the exit ramp and were immediately put on the ride. We were even able to pick where we wanted to sit. “Up front please!”
I didn’t take many pictures. I spent the entire day enjoying it with my family. Not capturing it.
I did get a few though.
Eva told me that her “most favourite best fun of the day was the goose boats“

We met up with a couple of Peanuts that Cuyler was really drawn to.

We met up with a couple of Peanuts that Cuyler was really drawn to.
And then Cuy started fondling the poor Peanut, rubbing his hand all the way up his sleeve, rubbing his nose and scratching his mouth.
His fear of oversized characters is now gone. Good to know.
His fear of oversized characters is now gone. Good to know.
We spent almost 70 freakin dollars on caricatures that look nothing like my children. Maybe it’s just me? You tell me.
Cam’s? Maybe. She captured his “miserable” look somewhat.
But Cuyler and Eva. Seriously? I get that they exaggerate features, but c’mon! The foreheads???
Aside from the awful caricatures we had an amazing day. Great family time spent together.
So much so that we woke up this morning and spur of the moment headed out to the beach for what may very well be the last hot, humid day of this hot, humid summer.
And contrary to what this picture may indicate – it is not a nude beach.
I am wearing a bathing suit.
And we had another fantastic day.
And we had another fantastic day.
Ha ha…we just went to wonderland on sunday and watched as these 2 teenage girls had their pictures drawn…again they were so way off we wanted to stick around and see if they punched the guy out who was drawing them!!!
nice to see that you were looked after and didn’t have to wait too long for rides for your little guy’s sake 🙂
People who stare never know the whole story…i’ve learned that at least in my life.
Pea had never heard of Snoopy until we went to Wonderland this year. Now the small plush version is a mainstay in her bedtime routine. Oh, to be so open to new friendships.
just think – the caricatures could have been in Monmartre Paris and still looked nothing like your kids and cost -round trip- $4000 !
Glad you had a great time at Wonderland. Don’t feel bad about the stares, we saw people using wheelchairs that didn’t really need them only to get advanced seating. Autism, though not visible is a very real challenge. Good to hear that Canada’s Wonderland see the value in supporting you.
hey chris glad all of you had such a great time. the pics are fabulous and cuyler looked right at home.glad to see jocelyne got in touch. .told the kids yesterday i may not be round today so they knew what to do if you took them shopping. once again..lmao. will call in tomorrow morning to see all of you. love yas!…….dad.
i’ve wondered why some people go in through the exit. now i know! that’s good to know for the future as well in case i know of anyone who might need a boarding pass.
cute pictures, too….of someone’s kids 🙂 i can see cuyler a little, but not so much the others. glad you had a good time tho’!
So glad to hear you and your family had a great day! I’m also happy to hear that Canada’s Wonderland made those accommodations for you, if only everyone and every place could be so understanding 🙂
Hey Canada’s Wonderland…you ROCK. And you know what – screw the people with the WTF looks – you and the family deserve to have one thing be easy…you so deserve it. I’m so happy that the last few days have been great…it makes my heart happy!
Kudos to Canada’s Wonderland. Thats a great story.
The caricatures are ridiculous, but I’m sure they’ll become a part of family lore and will be pulled out every year for the kids to laugh at.
Sounds like the whole family had a fantastic day and I’m really glad…you guys deserve it!
the boarding pass is nothing short of amazing. I applaud you, Canada’s Wonderland. You did good.
Ok the pics don’t look anything like the kids but do the hands on the mantle look anything like yours??? HA
I am so glad you had such a great day! I think it’s awesome they helped you out!
You are a wonderful mom!