Well it’s Thanksgiving weekend and everybody is talking about what they want to give thanks for.
So I will to. I am going to condense it to things I am grateful for this week.
I am grateful that we finally figured out a working strategy to get Cuyler to willingly do his homework. A visual strip and a bowl of Hickory Sticks (yum!) seem to be doing the trick.
I am grateful that Cuyler snuck into Eva’s room on Wednesday night when he was stalling for a few hours. He really didn’t want to go to his bed that night. So he didn’t. He went to hers. In the words of Kai-Lan – it made my heart feel super happy.

I am grateful that I got to spend the day with Cuyler yesterday. Just he & I and it was much needed for the both of us. We spent some time at the local bookstore, then went to the pumpkin patch and chose a pumpkin then hung out at the mall for a bit. I’ve been easily frustrated with him and have at times been resenting the autism lately. I needed to just hang with him and see all of the wonderful gifts that he comes with.

I am grateful that Cam has worked his butt off to make the hockey team he made this year as a forward. We weren’t sure because he had been a goalie for 3 years. We did NOT want the kid who sucked but made the team anyways because his dad was on the bench (Sean is asst coach). But he has worked hard, earned his spot and deserves to be there – his 3 goals so far this season prove it. The team made it all the way to the finals in our annual Thanksgiving tournament this weekend (they lost 1-0)

And lastly I am grateful that we came home from a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner at the in-laws to a driveway full of kids. It was dark but still mild out and all the kids on the street were out playing. We let the kids go play for awhile and watching them all just made me SO grateful that we found this house on this street with these neighbours. I truly feel as though Cuyler has a place here. The kids get him. They understand him and they take care of him. It’s a safe place for him which makes it a safe place for me. And for that I am grateful.
(that’s Cuyler in the foreground, attempting to skateboard)
OH! One more important thing – I am grateful for the extra day this weekend.
And especially grateful that my husband is an early-bird to my night-owl. That means I get to sleep in. Again.
3 goals!!!! Awesome stuff!
I’m grateful for the picture of Cuy with the pumpkin….looooove
Bliss….in whatever way you can get it! 😉