I’m happy to report that the diet hasn’t been a point of contention for the past few days.
Unfortunately that’s because Cuyler has only eaten 2 small sausage rounds since last Thursday.
He and Eva were hit hard with a virus that brought with it high temperatures and hacking coughs. Eva’s temp was better by Saturday night but she is back on puffers 4x a day.
As usual, it’s taking Cuyler longer to bounce back. His fever is lingering although not as high.
This morning we awoke to him wimpering from the bathroom. His legs were sore and he couldn’t walk. We asked how he got to the bathroom. He said he crawled.
He was insisting he needed a wheelchair. Sean had to carry him downstairs.
He was insisting he needed a wheelchair. Sean had to carry him downstairs.
It’s scary and heartbeaking to see him like this. I would be freaking the hell out but we’ve been through this before. Almost exactly the same thing happened 2 years ago. After a day in emerg we were told the virus had entered his muscles. It was about 2 weeks after that before his gait was back to normal.
I’m going to cautiously assume that this virus will run the same course. I’m hoping he’ll be back to himself by the end of this week.
I’m going to cautiously assume that this virus will run the same course. I’m hoping he’ll be back to himself by the end of this week.
My coping mechanisms are probably the wrong ones. I need to keep myself healthy so I can get my kids healthy…but whatever…
For the past 4 days, while Sean did his best to keep Cam out of the sick house, my head was wrapped around who had what medication at what time and how much had each of them drank.
While they were hunkered down on the couch, passed out in a fever nap, I sat with a close eye on them, constantly sipping a Tims that was dropped off by my mum or Sean.
While they were hunkered down on the couch, passed out in a fever nap, I sat with a close eye on them, constantly sipping a Tims that was dropped off by my mum or Sean.
I would alternate between a medium (formerly large) cafe mocha and a double double. If there was nobody available to deliver my coffee, I’d look to my trusty Keurig for my energy kick.
I wasn’t cooking for them. Eva would have apple sauce or toast or a banana. It was like pulling teeth to get fluids into Cuyler, I wasn’t even going to force food on him after our last 2 weeks.
No need to prepare anything for them so I didn’t prepare anything for myself. I was tired and worried about my kids so I went directly to my comfort food.
Yes. I subsisted on caffeine and chocolate for the past 4 days. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that.
I also may or may not have been wearing pajama’s for the past 4 days. (not the same ones)
I also may or may not have brushed my teeth on Saturday.
I also may or may not have brushed their teeth on Saturday.
I also may or may not have watched the full 4 hours of Whitney Houston’s funeral
I also may or may not have watched all 5 hours of Coronation Street yesterday.

I also may or may not have been wearing pajama’s for the past 4 days. (not the same ones)
I also may or may not have brushed my teeth on Saturday.
I also may or may not have brushed their teeth on Saturday.
I also may or may not have watched the full 4 hours of Whitney Houston’s funeral
I also may or may not have watched all 5 hours of Coronation Street yesterday.
I also may or may not have let Cuyler watch a youtube clip of Family Guy over and over because I didn’t want to fight with him.
I’m sure there’s a whole pile of parenting no no’s I did and will always do when my kids are sick.
Do you let things slide when your kids are sick?
Omgoodness, YESSS!! That is the picture of health above the writing here!! Rats exactly what the hospital recommends n I dnt know about u but when the kids r sick, we say there goes the sinking ship!!!! But everyone knows here, not to argue with the capital when sick–Momma knows best EVEN IN her PJAMAS !!! I’ve gone with my toddler when she’s better n Im exhausted from all the lysoling cleaning laundry,recycle etc, to our NEIGHBOURHOOD play center–yep u guessed it, in my own PJAMAS!!! We actually USED to live in aNother small town where it’s FASHIONABLE to wear ur PJAMAS out, yes even the ric businesses folk do it, n judge everyone’s PJAMAS n guess where they got theirs (or ask lol) !!! Here, not so much but I just “dressed mine up” living in a different town now LOL n went on with our play!!!! Listen, the ONLY tng that matters wen ur children r sick is doing the right thing for thei comfort n if that means FAMILY GUYS REPEATS!! That’s what it means!! We know the movies Monsters Inc of by heart form the Rotavirus 1.9years ago, 7days n nights of that movie n I Loved to see my little one FOCUS HER fevered little wee eyes BCUZ she was happy. She never falls asleep in front of tv n is back to normal wen sickness gone, RIGHT AWAY!! (I also remind that wen were better, simply, “none of this tv stuff at sleep time)! I wanted to say THANK YOU however, BCUZ if 1 of my children wuda crawled like that I woulda called ambulance, so thank u for sharing the resul from the emerg, BCUZ I willed do the same here but with severe panic–Thank You soooo much for sharing ur experience
EAT ON!! NONE of US will ever share these truths about ya LOL!
Oh poor Cuyler! Poor everyone but the virus in the muscles thing, I’ve never even heard of that and it sound awful.
Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. You need it.
yes! everything slides.
Also my list of how to be and how they need to be changes when REAL LIFE scary stuff happens to someone we know. I LOOOOOOOSEN up big time
get well, household!!!
lol I think I let things slide everyday! You do what you gotta do to keep yourself sane:) Positive vibes to the kiddies!
I wouldn’t say you let things “slide”, you were just adapting to the situation. Keep on keeping on!! xoxo
Of course. You do what you’ve got to do… things fall back into place the minute everyone feels better – save yourself! Have more coffee/chocolate/whatever you want, I say. Hang in there, sistah!! xox