I’m a food sales rep. (when I’m Not So Supermom), and this means during the day I’m visiting food retailers and grocery shops, 5 days a week. Which means at this time of year, I look at chocolates, red and white packaging, cute cinnamon hearts, more chocolate etc.
All this marketing…is WORKING.
I actually bought myself 2 chocolates – a week early!! (they are in my freezer nice and safe).
Let’s backtrack a bit. When I was 19, I worked in the gourmet department of Holt Renfrew. I worked Thursday evenings and Saturdays. Just enough time for me to discover GOOD FOOD. LOL.
I became introduced to a Belgium Chocolate called Neuhaus. Guess who is still eating Neuhaus at the age of 44? That’s right, me!!!
My age has changed, and so have the prices. Which means, I buy it only once (ok maybe twice) a year.
I rather eat two small chocolates than 3 Mars bars.
I selected two chocolates that I ate when I was 19. Believe it or not, there are probably 6 chocolates that I still recognize. Which either meant I sold a lot of them or I ate a lot of them.
So for the time being, they are in my freezer waiting for Feb. 14th. I will then take them out of the freezer and go to a good independent coffee shop and enjoy my chocolate with a coffee. Sadly Hubby won’t be celebrating with me as he will be in Montreal.
Oh yeah, after I indulge in the chocolate and coffee, I am heading downtown for a massage that I booked already. Told ya…all this marketing is working!!
Being a life-long chocoholic I can totally identify with you. While I totally understand your tendency to the fancy boutique-type chocolate, I still maintain that the cheap old faithfuls available at every corner-store eg a kit-kat or how about some good old maltesers will often just do the trick for the daily chocolate craving. Yes, yes I know one shouldn’t have chocolate on a daily basis but you know what I mean. Having lived in Canada for 20 years I can honestly say that South African chocolate is still superior to any other and if you get a chance to buy some don’t miss it!
Well enjoy your chocolate and your massage! I say have one for me to, cause I can’t eat store bought chocolate only pure cocoa, so I will probably make one of my desserts out of my cookbook like Chocolate, coconut hemp ice. It’s pretty yummy but probably far from Belgium chocolate.
Enjoy V day without your hubby.
The difference between you and I? I would eat 3 Mars Bars AND 2 small chocolates. You have restraint!
And chocolate would never last in my freezer!! Again- you have such restraint!
All that being said, I have never had amazing quality chocolate, so maybe two small ones would do the trick…