Okay. So, I take a lot of heat for being open and honest about my love for Sean Penn. I have never met him in real life, but I have friends who have, and they have never had anything nice to say about him. Read: He might be a jackhole in real life. But, I don’t know. I can’t help it. He is a phenomenal actor first and foremost, which automatically makes him attractive to me. And then, I don’t know, there’s just something sexy about him.
Unconventionally sexy. Or UglyHot, as I like to call it.
Another bad boy who might be balding and might also be kind of, well, not the nicest of people in real life who tops my UglyHot list is Sir Jude Law. I fell in love with him back in his Talented Mr. Ripley days and I just can’t shake him. And do not even get me started on his accent. I mean, dude could read the phone book to me and I’d go weak in the knees. He will always look like this to me, no matter how bald he gets and how many nannies he sleeps with and how many times he breaks up and gets back together and breaks up with Sienna Miller.
And then there’s Adrien Brody.
And Eric Stoltz.
And Liam Neeson.
And Johnny Knoxville AND Bam Margera.
And, of course, Jesse Eisenberg.
Okay. Who is on YOUR UglyHot list??!?!?
I know just what you mean about Oliver Platt. Yes, I get it.
all the dirty hots on this comment list? Blech. I’m a boy-next-door kind of girl.
Michael Cera I can see, though he’s too young, obv.
I do have a weird soft spot for Oliver Platt, who is not really attractive, but totally cute.
I only see the hot not the ugly on half that list (Liam Neeson, Eric Stolz, Sean Penn…swoon!), so we must be soul sisters on some level.
But, if anyone had told me anytime in my past that I’d develop a bit of “a thing” for Ed O’Neill (i.e. the artist formerly known as Al Bundy!) I’d be shocked. Yet, here I find myself on Wednesday evenings, watching Modern Family and feeling “a thing”.
We all have some ugly/hot we like and it is always hard for me to explain to friends my crush on David Spade and Martin Gore (Depeche Mode). They usually look at me like I am nuts! Glad to know I am not alone. But that list of guys above….Brody & Eric Stoltz…..never ugly! Adrien Brody always has a super lovely bod!
None of those interested me but Rainn Wilson. His geekiness is jut hot especially in that Christmas Gap ad with Selma Blair (Baby, It’s Cold Outside). Sadly, I had friends who were interested in what they call hot but I call the Undead like Christopher Walken. I could never understand that. Oh, one more on the UglyHot list: Steve Buscemi. Strange looking but oh, so sexy!
Um…no, not a one of them. Then again, all my tween crushes turned out to be be gay, so what the heck do I know…
Ohmygoodness… DO IT! I totally double-dog dare you. Yes.
truth be told- i have so little to add as I don’t watch TV. I could write about real life boys though………..
Jared Leto. yes!
okay…I hesitated on this one but I’ll add Travis Barker.
He’s small and scrawny but there’s something about the way he wails on those drums that I find super sexy. Plus I love that he’s raising Oscar de la Hoya’s daughter as his own. Even after he split from her mother. He’s a good man.
I like washed, but just kinda “unwashed looking.” For amusement… and for cigar-smoking. Not for real life. 😉
Okay, I;ll give you Jared Leto. Plus, he had the most excellent “lean” in history. Did I mention that I loved a boy who looked EXACTLY like him back in the day? Looked him up a few years ago… he was still looking quite good. (Sometimes marriage is soooo inconvenient. Heh.)
the great unwashed? Non, merci.
I LOVE me a good dirty man….JARED LETO….YUM. but, meh. not tommy lee.
Dirty rock stars… excellent drummer… yum.
EW. I do not find Tommy Lee appealing IN THE LEAST. GRoss.
But doesn’t he look like he stinks and has major BO & nasty stale rum breath and hasn’t washed his hair in weeks? That’s ugly, no? BUT SO HOT.
Oh… Tommy Lee is all kinds of hot wrongness… but not ugly!? Just… bad. Heh.
Ew. You can have them all. I think Zach Braff (from Scrubs) is totally uglyhot. And Tommy Lee. Yummmmmmmmmmm (but I would be so diseased afterward and, well, ew).
hahhahah Lucia! Rainn Wilson…hahahah. I can’t stop laughing.
there was also a time there was a misunderstanding about how I feel about Ricky Gervais. That was embarrassing for me.
This post reminded me of the time I accused you of thinking Rainn Wilson is hot. Apparently that was a huge misunderstanding on my part.
Um, unlike me *hangs head in shame* Michael Cera was born in 1988. I, on the other hand, was born in 1971. Yikes.
Oh, I thought he was more like 25… but then anything 20ish feels too young (for me – not you!)
Jesse Eisenberg is too young? I’m only 5 years older than he is…I was born in 78 and he was born in 83….
Noooooooo! He’s too yoooooooung!! The off-ramp to Cougarville is on your right, lady. 😉
My heart stops for Daniel Craig.
Haha Jen!! Michael Cera will always be Brother Bear to me!!
JEN! You just reminded me of my obsession with Jesse Eisenberg. I must add him right now!
Totally get Sean Penn but Jude is just too icky & girly. I think Liam is definitely hot! The weirdest one I have is Michael Cera but only in certain movies and Justin Timberlake. OMG, am I coming off all cougarish here?!
my sis in law says Javier Bardem has a smooshed face but I LOVE HIM BIG
and I definitely wanted to know when it might be ok to send Liam a casserole. Love him
In french they say Jolie- laide – meaning pretty/ugly
same idea
oh and I get it
BAD BOYS need apply
liam neeson is just plain hot! willem dafoe…don’t know how to describe his hotness….i think he’s (blank) hot….
I know you how you don’t enjoy the Hawtness that is Javier Bardem, but you’re just wrong about him. And I don’t even find him ugly – but I’ll add him to the uglyhot list.
I think Jude is totally cute… and YES Adrian Brody should be on this list. I love him.
As for the rockers, I agree about Scott Weiland (though he’s kinda pretty, in a waifish heroin-chic kind of way) and Dave Grohl is greasyhot. Yes, yes he is.
Nice list, lady.
I love Dave Grohl and Eric Stoltz. Jason Schwartzman is hot too. And crazy as it sounds, I love a young Alan Alda.
Yes – Dave Grohl for sure. He’s greasyHot.
Benicio Del Toro – he just seems strong and…manly. The accent maybe.
Colin Farrell is sexy – but he always looks filthy and I imagine he has rotten breath. But still sexy. Dirty sexy.
I’ve always had a thing for Bono. He’s short and has kind of a big nose and no lips…but there’s just something about him…
As I noted in your previous blog – Sean Penn is badass hot.
But also have a major thing for Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots singer)…I don’t know why, I’m not normally into strung out men who weigh significantly less than me, but if you are a fan of the band and have seen them in concert, the way he slithers around on stage is crazy hot. Also, Chris Cornell and Dave Grohl…clearly I have a thing for rockers.