There are moments, that I try to embrace winter. Trust me, I’m not going for a run during the winter but I certainly admire those who do!!
So I will encourage the kids to go skating, toboganning and skiing. Infact, we live two blocks from a city ski hill so we have been dropping of our son once a week with a buddy to enjoy some nite snowboarding.
I might even join them skating but most likely I will sit on a bench and watch. (don’t forget..Im NOT SO SUPERMOM).
A few years ago, we went to Collingwood for the weekend and I declared …”lets try to enjoy the snow”.
So I tried cross country skiing for the second time in my life.
See the picture? Let’s just say…I had a ball!! When I wasn’t lying on the snow, I actually worked up a sweat. I would venture to say that I would try that sport again.
I went down the hill ONCE, and I hyperventilated for the first time in my life. The 6 year old kids around me were having a blast while I sat at the bottom of the hill waiting for them to run out of tickets! Lesson learned…tubing is NOT for me.
How do you enjoy the winter? Do you think you could live in a city that doesn’t have snow?
Next week, I’m off to Ottawa with my skates and I’m going to skate on the Rideau Canal for the first time in years (naturally there’s Beavertail Kiosks on the Canal so that will be an incentive!!).
I admire your persistence with winter sports…. having tried skating (fell and broke my leg!) and both cross country and downhill skiing (thought my nose would freeze off), if I never see another snowflake in my life (not bloody likely since I live in Toronto) I would not cry!!
Vicky , well as an expert on Winter , being that I lived in Winnipeg ! – great stuff on all your skating etc ….but get back on the bike ! Du-atholons , Tri-atholons are soon upon us. Enjoy