Hockey season is in full swing and I’ve been looking for new ways to keep the two younger kids occupied while Cam takes to the ice and Sean stands behind the bench.
and voila! Mama gets to watch hockey!
Besides the hockey arena, it is perfect for day trips, family vacations and long waits at Sick Kids. Oh! and in hotel rooms that don’t carry Treehouse:
We can instantly stream over 200+ half hour episodes and Treehouse programs including Eva’s faves – Dora The Explorer, Olivia, Max and Ruby and Wonder Pets!
Although the app is designed for preschoolers Cuyler really enjoys Franklin and Friends, The Cat In the hat Knows A Lot About That!, and Guess With Jess.
The app is also available on the iTouch and iPhone.
The easy-to-use and intuitive interface along with the familiarity of the Treehouse icons and characters make this one of our most used apps.
Eva was also able to navigate her way around and easily found the iPad colouring tool – that was a neat surprise!
If they had their druthers they’d be on it all the time – but I do limit screen time. If they were on it all the time, they’ be happy to see that the app is updated with top shows and episodes regularly.
Simply share your child’s favourite Treehouse program and you will be entered to win one of three 8gb iPod Touch(s) PLUS a years subscription Treehouse Mobile App!
This Blog post is sponsored by Watch More TV Interactive Inc., and Corus Entertainment Inc. All content is true, based on Christine’s personal experience.
Contest closes December 7, 2011.
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations. members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join.
Team Umizoomie and Bubbleguppies is my soon to be three year old’s FAVORITE SHOWS, luckily we have those two onDemand for her to watch over and over and over and over….It would be really great to win an iPad, so mommy can watch something for once π
I know I shouldn’t let my 20 mth old watch tv but she loves 4square!
Both kids love Fresh Beat Band. We PVR it and have 9 saved for “emergencies”…
Oh, I don’t know that there is a day without treehouse at our home. With 3 that are under 7 they are always watching it or playing on the website.
The show that they all like to watch together is Bubble Guppies π
I love to sit and watch the Berenstein Bears, reminds me of when I was young. I like Dora because the show peaks interest in other languages, which I think is really important. It’s good we can watch some shows together.
I have four children, 12, 9, 6 and 3, and Treehouse has been a part of my life since my first was born. The programming is wonderful and I never have to worry about my kids not liking a program, they loved them all. My 3 year old daughter is obsessed with Dora – she just loves her. When my son was younger, the Backyardigans ruled! I love that show too – I often found myself singing along! You just can’t go wrong with Treehouse! Thanks and good luck everyone!
Hope I can still get in on the contest! Where I am it is only 11:30 on Dec 7 still! π
Max and Ruby… That Ruby is one good big sister!
Max and ruby of course lol
Max and Ruby. Even I like it…well sometimes. LOL
The Backyardigans!!! Max and Ruby was a close runner up… :o)
My kids love Toopy and Binoo as well as Bubble Guppies
hii my 21month old son is in love with Go Deigo go show i wish if they put it more on treehouse we love tree house and the funny part is my husband enjoys Toppe and Benno hahahahha
the cat in the hat is a big favourite in our house!
Cat in the hat is a favorite here.
My grandson really likes “Max and Ruby” and” In The Night Garden” I get a kick out of Max in Max and Ruby myself.
My daughters (and secretly mine) is Backyardigans:-) We love the colours and the imagination and the music!! She dances to it all the time…
My girls LOVE Max and Ruby. Its their all time favourite!
My son loves Max & Ruby!!
Definitely Max and Ruby for my daughter and Franklin for my son. My son at 13 has not yet learned to drive a bike and his friends, knowing he was a fan of the show for years, picked up a copy of Franklin Rides a Bike and munipulated the “Franklin” to perfection and had his name added in and then added training wheels to his gift. It was the funniest moment of the party and he loved that his friends (although tried to embarass him a bit) put the effort into the gift. He has the Franklin book framed π
My son loves Franklin, and my daughter loves Max and Ruby π
my kids loved dora and max and ruby
Dora the Explorer is the most popular choice around here. Thanks!
The Backyardigans ! Hands down – they love the music…and I don’t mind it either !!
Max and Ruby!
The Wonder Pets is the favourite
My daughter is a huge fan of Max and Ruby.
My kids are huge fans of Thomas and Friends and The Backyardigans!
Cat in the Hat knows A LOT about That is a lifesaver in our house. Especially first thing in the morning when we are trying to get ready for work!
Toopy and Binoo and Max and Ruby are our faves!
We have to pick just one?? In that case, I think Dora wins as both my girls loved watching Dora and though we are now down to just one Pre-Schooler, Dora in still on Treehouse for us.
max and ruby
My boys favourite is the cat in the hat and my daughters is Ni Hao Kai-Lan.
Max and Ruby.
My son loves Max and Ruby or Cailiou
Max and Ruby is our favorite!
Max and Ruby is a favourite in our household…
Franklin is the favourite here…….. great lessons taught!
Max and ruby and dora and Diego are huge hits here!
Diego and cat in the hat are raves around our house. Also fans of toopy and binoo.
My children love Dora the Explorer. She is also my favorite.
My son enjoys Diego and Dora the Explorer.
Dora The Explorer, of course.
favorite show would have to be Max and Ruby
Max and Ruby is their fav and mine, too.
Max and Ruby is the top rated show in our house.
Dora is my grandsons, favorite Tree house program, my other kids watched it too, my one son still will with my grand son, thanks
Thomas The Tank engine, Barney ;-( not my fav. Great Station. Child friendly.
Max and Ruby is still my son’s favourite
This month it has been Dora the Explorer. They love Treehouse.
All of my children have loved Max and Ruby. Treehouse is their favorite station!!!!
My daughter Olivia absolutely LOVES Olivia the Pig!!! We were so thrilled when Treehouse started to air episodes of the adorable little pig. She giggles when she hears the introduction song as she thinks its all about her!! We have all the plush, books, dvds, cds, costume, Olivia in the box, jewellery box and Christmas ornaments. She is a true fan!
Max and Ruby
Toopy and Binoo is still our favourite
My 10 year old still loves Max and Ruby.
lots of great shows – but i think dora is the overall fave
Max and Ruby are popular with the entire family!
We both love Toopy and Binoo, with daddy sometimes joining in.
Max and Ruby are popular with the kids. I like the positive lessons in the show. It is a great show to help kids learn empathy and understanding others’ feeling. I want my kids to learn to be more understanding to other people and I think Max and Ruby is a good show for that.
There are multiple shows that my kids love to watch, but the ones that really grab their attention are Bubble Guppies, Mike the Knight, and Team Umizoomi.
Thanks for the chance to win an iPod touch! What a great way to divert the boredom when there is nothing else to occupy their minds.
My daughter is a big Backyardigans fan, actually so am I.
The Backyardigans without a doubt!
My 3 and half likes ‘Mike the Knight’ and my 6 years old likes ‘Cat in the hat’
My two year-old LOVES Backyardigans!
Dora is a big fave for my boy. He thinks she’s his friend!
My kids LOVE Franklin and Friends as well as Max and Ruby.
(Thanks for getting the contest link working, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to enter.)
My girl loves Max and Ruby and the Backyardigans!
max and ruby
Love Franklin!
Franklin and Friends! Such a sweet Canadian show!
Cat in the Hat
Bubble guppies is the newest favorite for my son!!!
my 2 year old son loves toopy and bino…while my daughter loves dora, max and ruby
My daughter loves 4-Square because of the singing and dancing and sh likes The Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that.
my son loved cat in teh hat
My son loves to go on adventures with Cat in the Hat.
Max and Ruby. Max always reminds me to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life!
Max and Ruby!! And, Max always makes me smile (reminds me of my son when he was little)
I have 3 daughters and they all have their favourites. Taylor (almost 2) loves Dora & 4 Squares; Nicole (3) loves Dora & Max & Ruby; Victoria loves Dora. At least they all like Dora and there is no fighting.
Yo Gabba Gabba definitely is our families favourite!
What’s gonna work ? teamwork! the wonder pets is a favourite here.
My 2 daughters (Sara(6), Katie(3)) favourite shows are Dora, Max & Ruby and Mike the Knight!
The kids all love Toopy & Binoo and the Backyardigans
Toopy & Binoo are my daughters’ favourites (Emily, 8 and Mary, 5). They like Binoo better as they think that Toopy is sometimes too bossy. Hilarious!
Toopy and Binoo & Max & Ruby are my lil Jaicyn’s FAV’s!!!! He loves them so much we are having both of them the theme of his bday party this year!
My daughter loves Max and Ruby. She has for such a long time! She is getting older and still loves watching it…
my girls love TOOPY and Binoo
My son LOVES Toopy and Binoo!! He saw them live and now loves it even more π
my kids love to watch max and ruby. I have 4 kids that are 10, 7, 2, and 8 months and it is something they all can enjoy
My 2 yr old Grandson has too many favorites on Treehouse. Toss up between Max & Ruby, Cat in the Hat and Toopy & Binoo. If I had to pick only one it would be Toopy & Binoo. The Treehouse programing is excellent. We both spend a good portion of our time watching Treehouse which also inspires imagination time, colouring, chatting and outdoor fun!
Curious George all the way!
the cat in the hat – loved the message. Lots of fun for the four year old.
Dora The Explorer is a big favourite!
Both my sons love Max and Ruby!
…..we like Toopy and Binoo the best….
My daughter enjoys treehouse programs so much that she draws the different characters in her book and makes her own stories. I often find myself humming some othe the theme songs! we enjoy treehouse as a family with its variety of shows that are educational as well as entertaining!
My five year old son has LOVED Max & Ruby since he was a year old! My one year old daughter LOVES Toopy & Binoo! Treehouse is the ONLY channel they watch…it has all their favorite shows, and it makes me feel good knowing they are watching kid friendly programming.
My daughter loves Toopy and Binoo and Bubble Guppies!
My 4 yr old loveeessss Max and Ruby but we havn’t had cable T.V in 3 yrs so he watches the same 3 DVD’s over and over!
The Favorite program here is definitely Bubble Guppies..but yet there are many that are watched! This is a great channel for kids! Love it!
My girls LOVE Mr. Maker and so much more. Thanks
Max and Ruby are still the favorite!
My daughters favorite show is “The Cat In The Hat Knows Alot about That”
My grandson loves Max and Ruby (I like it too!)
My son loves Max and Ruby!
Backyardigans are a hit at my house
My Son loves Franklin and Friends
Both my girls love Max and Ruby and My Little Pony.
How can you not love Max and Ruby? Though Wonder Pets is pretty cool too!
Backyardigans all day, every day!!!
My sons are IN LOVE with Dora. My oldest is 4 & he actually cried when I had to tell him they don’t make “Dora” boy underwear :0(
Backyardigans are probably the ‘fave’ for my daughter.
Caillou and Max and Ruby, are the faves of my 4 year old twins!
Max and Ruby was a fun one, I took my niece to a live show, it was a lot of fun!!
Our favorite show for years has been Max & Ruby. But we love so many others!
my son loves to watch “the Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That” he will watch them over and over again!
My son still loves Max and Ruby as well he enjoys watching Franklin. I enjoy watching these shows with him too..
Winning an iPod touch with the subscription to theTreehouse Mobile app would be a dream come true.
My daughters Abby and Emma are addicted to Max and Ruby! It’s the one show they both like and don’t fight over. Otherwise it’s Emma wanting Elmo and Abby wanting Dora.
My older son’s favorite is The Cat in the Hat Knows Alot About That and my younger’s favorite is In the Night Garden
I have 2 small children, my daughter (5) loves Dora and my son (6) loves 4 square!
Backyardigans all the way!
My daughters favorite show is the backyardigans.
The Wiggles is the Favourite
My son’s favourite show, hands down, is Cat in the Hat. He also loves Max and Ruby, Toopy and Binoo and Caillou. Treehouse has always been a staple in our household. My daughter used to watch Max and Ruby religiously. Dora was a big one with her as well … she knew more Spanish than English LOL
always was, always will be – Mighty Machines
Dora, my grand daughter’s favourite
Dora is my daughters absolute favorite! and she likes Max and Ruby, Toopy and Binoo, and others
Our favourite will definitely have to be Toopy and Binoo!
My children love cat in the hat and thomas and friends.
My daughter loves Franklin!
My Grand daughter loves to snuggle and watch Dora while I explain it to her.
My daughter is older now, but she always loved The Big Comfy Couch and still watches it every now and then.
Oh my . . . My little princess loves treehouse her favourite programs are: my little pony, toopy and binoo, max and ruby, Dora, Diego, mike the night, fish guppies, yo gabba gabba, the fresh beat band, Olivia, Angelina ballerina, Thomas … Looks like I named the whole line up. She loves treehouse. If we win I hope she shares with her sister. Lol
My guy loves Toopy & Binoo and Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs
My son loves Max and Ruby (Ruby and Max!)
My 2y old twins love Dora!
My son LOVES “4 Square”!
Max and Ruby wins out for my son!
My son’s favourite show is The Wiggles. Max & Ruby come close!!
Both of my children love/loved Max & Ruby. Then my son saw Thomas and Friends…. he was hooked! I love watching the children enjoy both shows, and enjoy Treehouse because I am never scared that the shows are inappropriate!!
No question – Max and Ruby time is the favourite. Any Treehouse show is an overall preference.
“We’re wonder pet’s and we’ll help you” Any show that teaches sharing and caring is all right by me. Besides, the song is just so darn cute.
MAX AND RUBY fan here
Definitely, the favourite around our house is Max and Ruby!
Oh there are sooo many, I remember my 10 year old enjoying Treehouse and now we get to enjoy it again with our 4 year old. Definitely Max & Ruby and I love Toopy & Binoo.
My little guy loooooves Thomas and Friends and Mike the Knight!
My kids love Berenstein Bears; you can even catch me watching it as well.
My daughter loves Max and Ruby and my son loves Thomas, but we’ll watch almost anything on Treehouse!
It’s hard to pick a favorite, my daughter always askes for toopy and binoo or max and ruby.
My daughter loves caillou.
Berenstain Bears…I have to admit, I love them, too!! π
Max & Ruby is a big hit in our house!
Caillou is one of our favourites!
My sons favorite treehouse show is toopy and binoo
Backyardigans all the way
We all love Max and Ruby!
My son is 6 years old and we (his brothers also) love Toopy and Binoo. The best “use your imagination” show. Love it
It would have to be Max and Ruby. Love it!
My son LOVES Max and Ruby and the Backyardigans. Great shows for kids!
Our child’s favourite Treehouse program is definitely “Toopy and Binoo”
He just can’t get enough!
My little guy (3) LOVES Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That π And his 3 big brothers would love to watch something else but treehouse on th TV… I think an Ipad may be the solution?
My daughters favorites would have to be Backyardigans and Dora when she was younger. My favorite was always Toy Castle
my kids enjoy max and ruby but for some reason our dog likes the tune from Dora the Explorer!
We like Caillou in our house!
My 3 year old son LOVES Toopie and Binou & Mike the Knight because we love his horse “Galahad” (that’s daddy’s name too), and of course we can’t forget The Yo Gabba Gabba gang.
My girls all love Dora, but who doesn’t?! Max and Ruby is another favorite.
We love all the shows (yes even mommy). I think Caillou is another great favorite, my daughter always sang along with it saying it was her because she was “just a kid who’s four each day I learn some more, but I’m not Caillou, I’m ME!” lol…. All four of my children love to watch Treehouse TV. I’m pretty sure my youngest three always have it on π But that’s okay, it has great programming.
currently it’s Franklin as we recently went to see the author and illustrator at a writers festival event.
My oldest was a BIG COMFY COUCH for nearly 3 years!!!
My youngest is a toss up between Max & Ruby and Toopy & Bino
My 1.5 year old loves Backyardigans, my 5 year old loves Cat in the hat knows alot about that and max and ruby, my 7 year old is content with watching anything on treehouse…..not sure why we pay for the other optional channels, the TV is on Tree house 90% of the time it is on
My 7 yr old it’s Cat in the Hat (yup still lol ) and my 5 yr old it’s Max & Ruby but she wants to know where Mom is π
Both of my girls love Backyardigans! They are 5 and 8. I enjoy Max and Ruby, but I do wonder where their parents are?????
My youngest loves Max & Ruby!
My 4 year old love to watch Backyardigans! I often find my 12, 10 and 8 year old children curling up to watch some of their ‘old’ shows with him. I personally still love Max and Ruby!
My children’s favorite show is Toopy and Binou; such silly characters!
My son’s favourite show is Max and Ruby, and he reminds me of Max!
I have Six daughters, 8 Grandchildren, and 6 Greatgrandchildren. My Grandchildren just love Treehouse with so many great shows to choose from.
One of my daughters created her own version of a Max and Ruby story when she was only 3 yrs. old! She made a book about foods Max could eat….I still have that book “laminated in layers of scotch tape”
My son loves max and ruby!
For one of my babes it Toopy and Binoo and Max and Ruby. If the TV is on and she’s in another room, and either of their music starts, she drops everything and runs! The youngest babe is entranced with In the night garden.
If we had to list just one show it would be Caillou however Max & Ruby, Mister Maker, Cat in The Hat and Toopy and Binoo all come into play. She loves to play the games and watch all videos on Thank God for sometimes it’s the only way i can get stuff done.
My kids favourite program is Max & Ruby! I would love to win this
My daughter loves Toopy & Binoo. No matter where she is in the house, once the intro song starts for Toopy & Binoo she comes running!
My Son loves Diego…
We love Max and Ruby!
Treehouse TV is the ONLY channel that’s “allowed” to be on at my house or any house my daughter goes to. Thus far her favorite shows are Bubbleguppies, Team Umizoomi, Max and Ruby, Toopy and Binoo, and Backyardigans. She loves them all!
My daughter’s favourite shows are Backyardigans, Max and Ruby and Wonderpets. The oldest one gtow up on these shows too. Some kind of tradition.. π
My oldest always had Backyardigans on (which I love too!), but with my youngest it is all about choo-choo (Chuggington!!). He will hear the moment it starts no matter where he is in the house, and come running.. “choo-choo, choo-choo”.
both my boys love the Backyardigans & quite frankly hubby and I enjoy watching it too.
My kiddo is all about the backyardigans, Cat in the hat and Max and Ruby!!!! Thank you Treehouse for a way to keep my lil one busy while we are waiting for her big sis at dance class. Can’t wait to download app.
My daughter loves Max & Ruby!
My youngest loves Treehouse! Max and Ruby, wonder pets and the cat in the hat knows a lot about that are her favs!
whats gonna work? TEAMWORK …when we work together we got the RIGHT STUFF. TreeHouse + IpodTouch = the RIGHT STUFF!! go WonderPets! goooo IPOD TOUCH!!
Max & Ruby
All the world stops when Mighty Machines comes on, this is my son’s favorite show.
My darling son loves all the shows, but to narrow it down to just one, it would have to be Max & Ruby. π Thanks UrbanMoms and Treehouse!
My daughter loves Max and Ruby!! It is a cute show!
Dora the explorer is their favorite show from Tree House!
My daughter loves The Backyardigans! Would love to win this contest!
Bernstein Bears was my kids favorites! and MINE still! I watch them even when my boys are sleeping LOL SHHHH
My kids love to watch The Wiggles and The Backyardigans
We love watching The Cat in the Hat on Treehouse
Hoping my comments stay this time….
My daughter’s favourites are Dora & Diego. I truly think she has a crush on Diego!! LOL!!
My daughter has gone crazy over The Big Comfy Couch!
Cat In the Hat
We love Olivia and anything that has to do with the Cat in the Hat.
Dora The Explorer seems to be my little one’s favorite.
My daughters favourite show is Backyardigans. I watch it so often its growing on me…
My daughters love Toopy and Binoo.
3rd & Bird is a fave for us !
My 5 year old daughter is in LOVE with Cat and the hat!!!!!
My daughter’s favourite is Max and Ruby!
my granddaughter loves loves loves Max and Ruby!
My little guys favourite “Right Now” is Team UmiZoumi. But.. Caillou is definitely the tried and true for us.
There are so many they love to watch but Max and Ruby has to be their favourite.
Our favourite Treehouse program is Caillou. My children just enjoy watching what Caillou’s adventure is going to be everyday!
Both my children Sofia(5years) and Kianna(19mth) both enjoy watching “The Backyardigans”. They love the music and the imagination. Sofia always tries to guess what Uniqua really is! haha!
Corwyn LOVES The Wiggles.
Nathan is a huge fan of The Cat in The Hat
Both insist on watching In the Night Garden daily.
We limit TV time and almost all of it is spent on Treehouse.
My children loved the Backyard agains. My daughter loves to watch Wow Wow Wubbzy! I kinda get into them every once in awhile lol.
Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer is a huge hit in our house!!
Max and Ruby of course π
My grandaughter loves Max and Ruby
Max and Ruby. Every since my daughter saw them live they are the best. To her.
Definitely Max and Ruby – there’s something about that show that captures the attention of my kids π
My kis love Rollie (my son has a Rollie stuffie that my sister bought for him) and they also love Dora.
It’s Toopy & Binoo at our place!
I love Max and Ruby.
Dora the Explorer is my childs favorite!
savanna loves max and ruby
Toopy and Binoo always at our house….lol
It has got to be Max and Ruby.
The Wonder Pets!
My daughter likes the Berenstain Bears, The Big, Comfy Couch, and Dora.
My daughters love Backyardigans.
My daughter loves Max & Ruby!
The Backyardigans are definitely a big hit in our house!!
Hi, hope that the comments are fixed now! Max and Ruby are our favourite still!
We love Max and Ruby around our home! Glad the comments got fixed, it was pretty frustrating to see this over the weekend!
My son just found Dora…however, 4 Square and Yo Gabba Gabba also rank up there when he gets to watch it π
Max and Ruby rocks in our house!!!
My son’s favorite treehouse show is Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs! I also find my 6 year old daughter watching Olivia every chance she gets!
Barney and Friends
Toopy and Binoo have always been a fav here. Dora, Diego, Backyardigans. Anything bright, colourful and lots of music. I personally love 3rd and bird π
For my four year old it’s Toopie and Binou, Rolie Polie Olie and Mike the Knight. My one year old LOVES the Four Tones and Captain Hupette from 4Square!
We are totally a Treehouse TV family – with a 2 & 5 year old it’s a fight to see which show they will watch.
The 2 year olds favourites right now are In the Night Garden & Barney.
The 5 year old – it’s all about Cat In the Hat or Max & Ruby.
Dora is my 3 year olds favourite
We all love Max & Ruby!
My daughters favourite would have to be The Cat in the Hat or Guess With Jess.
Dora the Explorer is number 1 for sure in our household. Good fun and adding alittle adventure must be good.
My daughter loves Max and Ruby as well.
My Daughters favorite show is Max and Ruby.