Here is my version of the TOP TEN signs your child is now a teenager: (my son turned 14 a few weeks ago, but I probably could have written this a year ago – ok – two years ago).
1. He wants to go to the MALL all the time.
2. The once tidy, organized child you use to know…is no longer. See above photo.
3. He is on facebook all the time. No more TV.
4. He no longer wants to shop at the GAP, Children’s Place or Old Navy. He now makes requests to shop at Bluenotes, West 49 and Abercrombie.
5. I am no longer allowed to use the word “playdate”. When friends come over…it’s 3 or 4 friends at a time. (but they like my nachos or when I serve them yellow baby carrots, so I’m considered Kewl).
6. He goes to bed later than I do. (much later).
7. He sleeps in F-O-R-E-V-E-R.
8. He has specific brand names he wants at Shoppers. No idea where this comes from!
9. He gets home from school, takes off his jeans and his shirt and wears flannel bottoms and a hoodie sweatshirt around the house.
10. He wants to change the radio channel all the time. I’m bummed cause I really think there is nothing wrong with 99.9 Virgin Radio?
Did I miss any other signs?
You can add – he no longer wants you to cheer at his sporting events LOL!…and you don’t know what it is like being a teenager as when you were one the ENTIRE world was different LOL….it gets better and it’s worth it – I keep reminding myself of that (except for the messy room….ya win some and ya lose some). *grin*
I guess I’m in for it now…
My son turns 13 on Saturday, and I have another who turns 2 in Feb… Teen years and Terrible Twos… What was I thinking!?!?!
Glad to know there are other mom’s out there who commiserate!
Hi Vicky – ooooo- how true ! I thought I was kewl listening to Virgin Radio 99.9 – my teenagers keep saying – “daddy stop singing and dancing in the car – my friends may see you ” as we drive down bathurst !
UGH – live and learn
So funny!!! You are definitely living with a teenager. Teenagers ‘hang-out”, or just “get together”. Remove the word ‘playdate’ from your vocabulary.