This past Monday Cuyler had his Special Athletes track meet.
The one I wrote about in March.
I had gotten over my initial reaction to his eligibility in participating and actually started to get excited.
We talked about it in the weeks and days leading up to it. We made plans for it. Eva had a sleepover Gramma’s and Cam was sent to a friends house so we could get an early start.
Sean took the day off work to attend.
We bought him some Gatorade and packed a cooler.
Sounds exciting, I know.
Except Cuyler wanted nothing to do with it. All he wanted was to be at school with his friends.
After more whining and groaning it was time for his 50m race.
Really – the ONLY rule is to stay in your own lane. That’s it. They can run, skip, hop, roll, flap the entire 50m – just STAY IN YOUR LANE.
Daddy reminded him of that as he was getting in his lane. That he was supposed to stay in.

After this event he was just done. Sean and I called it a day several hours before everyone else. He was not enjoying himself, did not want to be there and we were not going to make him stay and participate in events he had zero interest in.
His thoughts were with his classmates and teacher back at the school. So we got him back there.
There was a collective “Cuyler!” and a genuine look of gladness on their faces that he was rejoining them. They like my boy. A lot.
His teacher looked surprised to see us. I shrugged and shook my head.
One of the little girls asked if he had fun and he replied no. He did not.
Jen – I am always torn between letting him be who he was born to be and wanting him to fit in better. Letting him be who he was born to be wins out every time. But it’s not easy.
I love my hat – it’s the best running hat I have!
Do they come in black?
He went , he tried, the important moments are the ones I see in your pictures, with dad talking quietly in his ear, his fist pump, his great smile ( and it is great)
and your gorgeous-proud mommy Face
( and you are gorgeous)
Well, at least he’s perfectly clear about what he likes, and about what he doesn’t.
And his class was so happy to have him back before the end of the school day… shucks. That’s pretty rad, Christine! I’m so happy for him!!!
Amazing, Christine. I love how good you guys are at accepting him for who he is. My girl is different in ways I can’t quite put my finger on. Unique. To me it is wonderful. To her peers it is “weird”. Sometimes, for her, I just wish she was more like them. I do it silently but I still do it. Your post reminded me that I need to accept her for who she is and follow her lead. Everyone is happier that way!
And great hat, by the way!
I just love Cuy. I love how honest he is and I LOVE that you guys got some one-on-one with him.
The pictures of him running made my heart so happy! There is nothing better than when Cuy smiles! I love that you and Sean were able to be there together for him. Love everything about this post! Even the fact that he hated the event!! XOXO
I think he was a hero when he returned to school. The first thing I heard about after school was how Cuyler went to an event where he ran and he got lots of ribbons! K. was impressed!
asserting his independence…point 1 for Cuyler. 🙂
Love the running! : ) And what a nice way to be welcomed back to his classroom. That’s great.