I have a reputation of sorts, for being overly organized. People poke a little fun at me for it. Some even ask for my advice or help. The truth is though, I’m equal parts obsessively organized and total slob. My house is no stranger to clutter. Some days it’s like I have split personalities and they are battling each other.
See exhibit A:
This is a tub of clothes in the baby’s room. I actually went through and sorted by size and type and then tied everything together with ribbons and labeled it. Oh yes, I did this.

The flip side? Here is a picture of my (well Chase’s/the guest) bathroom. See those clothes, yeah those have been there for two days. I can’t imagine how annoyed I’m going to be when Chase thinks it’s OK to disrobe before a bath and then just leave his clothes on the bathroom floor.
Exhibit B:
This is a picture of my desk drawers. Ridiculously, almost overly, organized. Right?
If you were to zoom out though, this is what you would see. The area surrounding my desk has looked like this for WEEKS!
The point is this, I never want anyone to think that I’m preaching from high atop my tower. I talk a lot about my organizing victories but there are just as many defeats. Being “organized” really is a journey, only there isn’t really an end, it continues day after day. My goal is only to share my journey and offer any inspiration I can.
that tub is a thing of beauty and I wish I could hire you for my post reno organizing as I have a mountain to climb just to get it to a decent livable level!
Oh honey… you are ME! I do the very same — from the labelling to the tres neat stacks of things in drawers and whatnot… and at the same time, I feel like it’s all in the ay-ay-ay of the hurricane. Le sigh. I know. It’s a journey… we do the best we can to keep our heads sane, without driving ourselves crazy in the process. It’s a trick I haven’t mastered either, but I am with you.
Oh, and good luck keeping it all up with baby #2. It really becomes a test of wills with more kidlets in the mix…
I’m SO proud of you for coming out of the closet and sharing with the class!