I have made no secret about my addiction to love of chocolate.
It’s one thing that all my friends know about me. It’s my vice in this often very stressful life I lead.
I don’t drink.
I don’t smoke.
I don’t drink.
I don’t smoke.
I eat chocolate. It makes me happy and it makes me feel good.
Remember this? And this?
Warm fuzzies…the circle of Motherhood keeps me going and gives me strength to get through my toughest days. Aside from the joy my kids bring me and the feeling of fulfillment I get from them, the comradery with other mothers is one of my favourite things.
Remember this? And this?
Warm fuzzies…the circle of Motherhood keeps me going and gives me strength to get through my toughest days. Aside from the joy my kids bring me and the feeling of fulfillment I get from them, the comradery with other mothers is one of my favourite things.
So in honour of Mothers Day, I’d like to pay it forward and the fine folks at Purdy’s Chocolates are going to help me do that. They have created some delicious Mothers Day products.

I have been in touch with Gary Mitchell, the head chocolatier and chocolate expert at Purdy’s. His passion is chocolate and making the highest quality products. He passed along his top picks that will be sure to please:

- Himalayan Pink Salt Caramels: A caramel recipe dating back to 1907, add to that ancient Himalayan salt mined in the Himalayan mountains full of rich mineral properties that give it that perfect sweet and salty taste.
- A special Mothers day tin packed with everyone’s favourite chocolates
- For a truly healthy choice try 70% Blueberry & Almond Bar or 70% Goji Berry & Cocoa Nibs Bar and top that up with some dark chocolate coated ginger.
- Truffles also make a great gift! What is better than whipping cream and chocolate blended with the worlds finest liqueurs, like Grand Marnier, Kahlua, Baja Rosa, Brandy and even Ice Wine. Gary’s personal favorite is Sambuca blended with cappacino chocolate.
My kids know the way to my heart is a tight hug, a homemade card and some chocolate. It’s all I want for Mothers Day.
This is where I pay it forward! Simply leave a comment below telling me what you love most thing about motherhood (or parenthood if your a dad reader!) and one lucky reader will win a gift basket full of delicious, QUALITY Purdy’s chocolates.
closes on Wednesday, May 9th 2012.
closes on Wednesday, May 9th 2012.
Click here for Contest Rules and Regulations.
UrbanMoms.ca members are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet? Click here to join.
The kisses and hugs.
The cuddles 🙂
I love the baby-scented nuzzles and snuggles, the sweet smiles and belly-laughs and the “I wuv ooo mummy”s. That makes everything all worthwhile. 🙂
Love the fact as they get older they come back to me saying…I should have listened when you told me……
Its the small things. You know that one perfect momment every day when everything is worth it. You feel like your here for a reason. My kids make me feel that every day. I love them so much!
What I love is I get to finally know the joy that is motherhood.
I love the “ugs and kikiss”, the cuddles before bedtime and the early morning giggles. I love how much my daughters love each other, how special the bond is that they have with their father, dispite the fact that he is away all the time because of his job (military), and I love that they have shown me how much love I have to give.
The best thing about motherhood is now I get to be a Grandma! If I’d known it would be this much fun I would have been a Grandma first!
Now that my children are older I love the special relationship we have and the special outings that we share
The best thing about being a mother for me is the joy and happiness my kids give me and also knowing NOW that my Mom is pretty darn cool!!!
Being a mother keeps me honest. I constantly am having to review, confirm or revise my beliefs. I’m a better person for it! Oh…and when my son says he loves ‘this much’ as he stretches his arms as far as they will go. I melt!
It’s only when your a parent yourself, that you truly appreciate your own mother and all that she has done for you. My children give me so much love everyday, and the only thing that matches their love……… is how much I love them!
I am not a Mom yet, but I am very much looking forward to it & the love that I will feel. Thanks!
I enjoy my 2 more than anything that life is so precious. I have so much love for them.
the feeling of your child’s little hand in your own as you go for a walk together… melts me every time!
Not a mother yet, hope 2 be soon 🙂 I Love a child’s innocence…how they view the world…you have the opportunity to see eveything differently through their eyes, everything is new and exciting…while they learn, you learn, etc., etc. etc. etc……..;)
I really love the being part of my kids accomplishments.
the best think being a mom is seeing my kids grow. Giving and giving love and receivingggggggg!!!!!
the best part of parenthood is the unconditional love you feel & receive.
THe best part of being a parent is being able to play with toys again!
I love how at just the sight of you their faces break into huge smiles, and they are ready with hugs and wet kisses. I love being able to make an owwie disappear with a kiss. I love when they snuggle onto your lap and tuck their head under your chin. And I love hearing those sweet little voices say ‘mama’.
I love our family gatherings when all my kids and my grandkids come over together!
I love when she sees me come into the room in the morning and gives me a big, sunny baby smile.
the feelings of excitement and pride when they learn something new
I love constantly learning and seeing the world through the eyes of a child!
That giggle that comes out when he’s so excited to see me or my husband.
I love when my kids come running to me, arms open wide, with big smiles, welcoming me home.
Watching how my 4 children grow up and become each unique in their ways.
I like making my baby laugh.
It’s seeing the way he looks at me the first moment he spots me when I arrive, like there’s no one and nothing else but me in the whole world 🙂
To see my children make a success of their lives.
I love to share with my kids and my grandchildren. They bring should pleasure to my life,
What I love most about motherhood is watching the constant changes and growth.
What I love most about motherhood is the chance to share my love with my child… receive love in return. To be able to help my child be the best he can be.. and grow up in to a really special unique person.
Knowing how to say the right thing to cheer my kids up
Being mom is both the best and worst job in the world. Crappy hours, slaving for someone else, but man, one tight hug or sloppy kiss and no matter how bad your night was you just melt!!
Making new memories while incorporating old traditions from your own childhood.
Life-long unconditional love
Over the years I have loved so many things about being Mother. Currently my two boys are in their teens and there may be things they do or decisions they make that I do not agree but there are many, many moments when I see all the hard work paying off and it makes me so proud.
A huge bear hug from a child, given for no reason at all.
…quality time together!
What I love about being a parent is everything! My children are now all in their teens and I still love and cherish every moment I have with them, because I know in a few years they will be leaving the nest.
What I love about being a parent, is finding creative ways to instill values that are important, which I want my child to understand, cherish and use in the future.
I love watching them get older.
The unpredicability of every day.
I love my 3 kids – what’s motherhood without them?
I love all the hugs and kisses! I also love the opportunity to watch my wonderful child growing up
Watching children share without prompting!
What I love most about motherhood is seeing my daughter laugh and bring joy to others with that laughter!
Loved watching my child grow from infant to a young adult. The time just seemed to fly by so fast cherish those special moments with your child as they do grow fast.
Would sure like to win this one, love chocolates…mmm
Everything! There are way too many great moments to pick just one.
I love seeing children learn.
I love knowing that I helped create 2 awesome people!
I like watching my children enjoy life
What I love most about motherhood… Gosh there are so many things! Things like seeing your child for the first time and knowing you are their everything. To when they take their first milestones like first steps or saying “Mama” or “Dada”! To every new surprise everyday, especially the day they say “I love you”, I am still waiting on that day and when it comes it will just complete me! . So what do I love most about motherhood… Being there everyday and getting to see them grow 🙂
I love watching my son experience something new. It’s great to be excited with him!
I love feeling the love and trust my children have for me, and being worthy of that trust.
I like experiencing each new stage with my 2 children. It’s amazing to watch all the changes that they go through! Motherhood is incredible.
My kids would share the chocolate with me! lol and I will get the pretty containers. That’s just how it works in our house. Thanks for the contests!!!
I love the constant surprises that make me laugh out loud or that bring tears to my eyes.
As a step mom it always amazes me how much of me I can see in the kids! Spending all that time with them affects them in so many ways.
The best thing about being a mother is when your children are grown up and they are everything that you would have wanted them to be and more.
I love to watch my children grow up, so much to enjoy the only thing it goes far to fast
Best part is having an excuse to watch cartoons and play with toys again
I love just being with my son. He’s still a baby so cuddling with him is my favourite thing to do!
the thank yous
The unexepected hugs and kisses, the laughs, watching them sleep, watching how excited they are when they learn something new.
I love the spontaneous hugs from my toddler and seeing the world through his eyes.
The thing I love about motherhood is never knowing what the expect… I love watching the kids grow and become their own unique little people. Thanks!
My favourite part of motherhood is when, I walk by his room to check on him before I turn in for the night, and I hear him breathing and see him all curled up snuggled into a wonderful dream sleep. Makes every day worth while to know he sleeps so soundly.
Seeing my family happy
watching my children grow into young adults…
I love that now I am a grandmother and have all the fun and none of the problems.
I love the way they laugh and how nothing bothers them. How they love u unconditionally
The unexplainable deep bond and unconditional love that can get everyone through everything.
I love the small things. The special moments whether it’s on the way to school or coming home from work and the “I love you’s” that flow effortlessly.
The fun times! 🙂
the best thing that being a mother has taught me is how to push through any problems.. my oldest (15) has a brain disorder and is unable to walk or talk,, but she is so HAPPY – really makes you put all the petty little things that happen daily into perspective
My son and I aren’t as close and we could be, but I hope one day he appreciates me more. He’s always been the light in my heart and will always be my #1 son like I always tell him.
I am a mother and a grandmother. I have 5 kids and watching them grow and become adults and have different personalities and become parents was incredible. Now I have grandchildren and it makes it all worthwhile.
watching my 4 adult children make smart choices for themselves
Well, I guess it would be the results! Once refined and tried, seeing a child turn out good in the end makes it all worth it! 🙂
I didn’t get to see my son the first 5 years as I was sick but I have enjoyed all the rest of the years I got to spend with him.
Because I have the most wonderful children, they bring life to me everyday, I love them dearly and chocolate loves me
I have heard people say don’t you wish your kids were this age or that age again…no…I have always enjoyed every changing part of both my daughter’s lives…from being a baby to adulthood and now one even a mother herself.
Giggles and laughter 🙂
There are many, many things that I love about being a Mom to 4 beautiful young children. But to choose just one, it would have to be how a giggle from a child can change the mood of a room in an instance! All it takes is one giggle and it seems to be contagious, next thing you know everyone in the room has a smile and is giggling too!
What I love most, well… my Mom passed away when I was 2 so I never knew what having a Mom was like. Being a Mom of an almost 9 year old boy has been the absolute best thing I have ever experienced. I have just lost my Daddy to Lung Cancer and my son was my biggest support. He is so caring and loving. So the thing I love most about being a Mom or of Motherhood is my SON, he is what makes me Me.
I love when my kids say I love you mom and I love watching them grow up. For mothers day we love to plant flowers and eat chocolate! 🙂
I love being able to kiss their booboo’s and making them feel all better. Giving them love and security that every child needs.
What I love most, is watching my kids succeed. The joy they show when they do. Nothing beats that.
I love watching these two unique individuals, actual pieces of me, grow into the amazing adults they are becoming!
Let’s face it! We don’t just love chocolate – we’re addicted! But just when you thought you might have to join Chocolates Anonymous, they discovered all the amazing health benefits of chocolates. So let’s get healthy. When my kid’s were young, I had to hide my chocolate. Imagine their shock when they would find my hiding places. They knew better than to take the last piece though! LOL. Now, for Motherhood. The only thing better than being a Mother, is being a Grandmother! Now, while my children grimace, I can spoil the grandchildren with CHOCOLATE!
I love examining life through the eyes of my children – to watch their wonder at new discoveries is to rediscover them myself!
What I love most about being a mom is the unconditional love. My son is an adult now but to me he will always be my little boy. I love spending time with him!
What I love most about motherhood is that it’s given meaning to my life.
I’m a 23 year old single mother to a 6,5and 3 year old and I would not change it for anything I love being a mother it’s the best thing to watch your children grow,I love when they make you laugh,I love all the questions they ask you and I really love the way they look when they get excited,mostly just for going for a walk or going to school.
What I love about being a mother was watching my children grow. I have two amazing children who are now adults. My daughter made me a grandma! Now I have the opportunity to watch her children grow and learn.
I loved reading the books I enjoyed as a child to my kids…I even read long chapter books to them when they were good readers themselves. We read a lot of great books together that way!
What I loved about being a parent was watching my son grow from a tiny baby 5lbs,3 ounces to a healthy 25 year old with a very good job and a very nice girlfriend. It was amazing how fast he grew up so every-one needs to cherish all those growing up moments because they do grow fast and the time seems to fly by way to fast.
The undying love that compares to nothing else I have felt in my life.
When they are older they become your best friends.
what i like best about being a parent.. is watching my daughters grown and learn new things… try things for the first time, and how much they are like me when I was little. They make me proud and have taught me a few things along the way.. one being taught all about unconditional love.
The best thing about being a mother is knowing that I’m playing a crucial role (along with hubby) in raising our two children to be happy, healthy, contributing members of society (chocolate on Mother’s Day is a nice perk, too). 🙂
Best thing about being a mom is the daily hugs and kisses !
Even though my kids are grown the best is when they call just to say hi!
Best thing about being a mom is you get to discover the world all over again through your kids eyes! I love seeing my son so excited about the simplest of things and going to museums and such are such an adventure for him!
I love to see them happy and successful.
I love the giggle and hugs
What I love most about motherhood is the look in my kids face when they tell me they love me and throw their arms around me so tight to give me a hug.
I love Motherhood more and more with every decade. As my children have grown from total dependance I marvel at the changes. Now I have two of the best friends in the whole world in my grown children. Life could not be better.
watch the children grow up to a happy and successful life ,and give you some loving grandchildren
I love when my kids treat others with respect and kindness.
Every stage of motherhood has something different that makes it wonderful. Right now it’s when he runs to unlock and open the door when I get home, gives me a great big smile and hug and says ‘Mom I’m so glad you’re home’.
the best thing i love about being a mom is everything, thinking about it fills me full of love
The thing i love about being a Mom is EVERYTHING!! From waking up in the morning to seeing my beautiful blue eyed baby with two little teeth smiling at me.. to when he cuddles on my shoulder for bedtime.. i just love every moment he is changing throughout the months…Even if his favorite word right now is Dad!! lol i am still so happy to be his mom!! its just amazing to be a mom.!!!
Plain and simple….love having a mini-me running around driving me crazy!!
When you are adopted, nobody in your entire family looks like you or acts like you….now I have my 2 year old little monkey…my mini-me…love..
Susan Bailey
I love sitting down for meals together as a family
The very Best is watching my beautiful Grand daughters & How what I have taught my daughter has been passed there way!!
All that hard work has paid off!!!!!
The best part is when my daughter tells me “I’m glad you’re my mom”. It fills me with warm and fuzzies.
The best thing about being a mom is being appreciated and knowing that you are making a difference in the world. and for anyone that has adopted a child this is amazing , special people
Reasons that I love being a mother is because it has taught me to:
M – make memories of all of it good and bad, laughs and frowns
O – (be) Open-minded especially when dealing with teens
T – take a moment before losing it or criticizing
H – have the time of my life watching them succeed in school, life and as people
E – enrich my life by learning from them – how to dress, act and behave with their friends lol
R – rave about the good things they do and down play the bad
Being mother has been my shining moment and was always been my dream come true – everything else is bonus.
I love watching them change from babies to toddlers and then young adults. Each stage is a miracle in progress.
I love motherhood cause it has taught me to :
M- make moments matter and making memories of smells and hugs
O – (be) Open minded comes in handy especially with the teens
T – Take a moment before criticizing or make judgements
H – have to arms to hug and cuddle
E – Earning every wrinkle from laughing and smiling at accomplishments, failures and blunders
R – Remembering that they too will be parents or hopefully be and to look back and see that I was not so bad after all
and most of all with everything that I have been through, that I would do it all over again with the same two that I have – cause they taught me how to love, laugh and be the best mom I could be.
What I love about being a mom is seeing the smiles on my kids faces each day. I am a mom to a beautiful 8 yr old girl and a handsome 10 yr old boy with down syndrome. Watching and helping him make accomplishments in life is truly pure satisfaction and enjoyment.
What I love about being a parent is knowing I have the chance to love and shape a wonderful little person into a great, caring, loving, smart member of society!
Oh dear! Pick one? OK. The best part is that life is no longer about me, it is now about my kids, and I would do anything for them.
an opportunity to be a better person
What I love most, well… my Mom passed away when I was 2 so I never knew what having a Mom was like. Being a Mom of an almost 9 year old boy has been the absolute best thing I have ever experienced. I have just lost my Daddy to Lung Cancer and my son was my biggest support. He is so caring and loving. So the thing I love most about being a Mom or of Motherhood is my SON, he is what makes me Me.
What I like the most is seeing all the different stages of life your children go through. It’s like they become a different person at every stage.
The best part about motherhood is seeing your child grow up to be a responsible,caring individual.
I love the personal accomplishment of being a mother
having someone to be proud of
My favourite thing about being a mother, is the feeling of accomplishment. My daughter is a beautiful, super smart, lovely girl ..and I couldnt have asked for more. She makes me so very proud each and every day.
I love my son so much. I just love that I have this amazing person I get to spend so much time with. He’s brought so much joy to my life.
My husband and I tried for many years to get pregnant and we were finally successful after 10 years. We were blessed with triplets (2 girls and 1 boy). I love to see how very different they are and experience the world through their eyes.
I love sitting back and watching my kids just be. I love watching and listening to them play. I love the way they look at me. We love each other very much and it is yummy!
I like watching my children grow and learn new things
I love being a mom!! I love when my children give me a big hug and tell me I’m the best mom ever!! When they say I Love You Mom is so awesome
love and spending time with each other
Being a mother is a step to being a grandmother. Both are very rewarding.
The thing that I love best about being a Mom is that my son is a wonderful person, and I created him! Yay me!
unconditional love!
I love being a mom, when my son tells me he loves me there is no better feeling 🙂
What I love most is the unconditional love, the smiles and giggles, the many many hugs and kisses, watching my toddlers face light up with amazement as she discovers the simple things that most of us have grown to take for granted. I love the bond we have created together. So precious!
I love being able to watch them play and discover new things in life. It takes me back to when everything was fresh, a simpler time in life.
What I love about motherhood is sharing things with my kids and getting as much out of being a mother as I give. I don’t have a relationship with my mother and it helps to have my kids to spend time with and have a relationship with them.
Just watching the kids being healthy, happy and receiving their unconditional love is the best
I love being a mother because it adds such a strength to my life that i am not sure would be there if i wasnt a mom. 🙂
I was not able to have children. I do love being an Auntie and have loved having nephews and nieces for summer visits and holidays. The children have grown and we don’t see them often. But when I see their adult faces I remember flashes of pudding faces and silly laughter. I have been blessed. Happy Mother’s and Aunties Day to all.
I loved most about being a mom is teaching her, taking care of her, and the hugs and kisses.
sunny smiles
I adopted my daughter when I was 48, 10 magical years ago. From that moment, I loved the sense of being completed through motherhood and unconditional love. As the tween years challenge me and she pushes her way into adulthood, I know that these years will never be erased.
hugs and cuddles aremy favourite! and seeing their face light up when i come home from work every day.
What I love about being a Mom is all the love that I recieve from my kids.
What I love about being a parent is all the great milestones that my children have accomplished and everything that they share with me and that my girls still want to spend time with me 🙂
I would say every stage is special yes even the terrible twos. Seeing the kids grow and develop into their own personality is amazing. A cross between Mom, Dad and grandparents.
I ‘ve loved watching them grow and mature and having that unbreakable bond with them.
I love those moments that become memories that will last a lifetime in the minds and hearts of all involved.
Children are our legacy. Nothing in life has meaning if you don’t have the love of your family.
My favorite part of being a mom? To many to number! I have 3 children and they have all grown up to be wonderful adults. I see that my ‘sacrifice’ about staying home to raise them instead of going to work, and doing without all the extras has paid off. (I even have 3 wonderful grandchildren and one more on the way.) Wouldn’t have done it any other way.
I loved cuddles, kisses, pillow fights and cartoons. And now that he’s older, I love knowing that I influenced this wonderful young man to be responsible and considerate but to take time out to enjoy the moment and those sharing those moments with him!
love watching my son as he grows into a compassionate loving young man
it is us, us against and with the rest of the world. we are family, nothings can penetrate, we are the most important people to each other
They have made me a better person…took away my selfishness, my ego, and my shame..taught me to be a fighter, a dreamer and thankful, always eternally thankful for even the simplest of things
Love seeing how proud of themselves the kids are when they learn something.
i like being a part of a child’s life and part of their future memories!
The nicest thing about Mother’s Day is the actual celebration of the value of a mother.
What I love about motherhood is when I realized I’ll never be alone in this world as long as I have my son .
When out of the blue my 6yr old son stops what he’s doing to tell me he loves me!
Everything!! The love, hugs and kiss. Having someone look up to you. Having a mini me best friend.
I just like hearing all of the funny things they have to say, and their little stories.
I love the feeling I get from raising such a wonderful caring son,,and when he comes to me and tells me he loves me and In the best mom ever..I can never get enough of it!
I enjoy seeing the adults that my children have become and being proud of them and their accomplishments. Now they are parents themselves.
being able to teach new things to my son on a daily basis, and the fact that he learns so quickly.
I love when my kids actually want to spend time with me. I have a son and daughter ages 9 and 8 and they are so much fun to do things with. We love going on bike rides and walks and just talking about our days. I never want this feeling to end, but alas, the teenage years are coming…
I love watching them grow up and see what they become.
I love the little head laying on my shoulder next to my cheek with the little
hand on my chest; the softness of innocence is wonderful to behold.
I love watching their personalities develop they are all so different and wonderful!
The best (and sometimes the hardest!) thing is watching my daughters grow into smart, fiesty individuals.
Little hugs and kisses!
They keep you active!
I love that when you’re at the lowest point, they can just come and run for you as if you are the most special person in the world and you realize that all the other stuff in life just doesn’t matter as much.
No matter what there’s always been someone around to either give or get a hug. It’s really hard to hug yourself.
my son could always make me feel good when i was feeling kinda down….his humour, his smile, just having him around was the best thing….he still does that to me, but i also have a sweet little granddaughter that makes me smile and laugh and feel good now too…..woohoo!!
I love watching my kids grow up and put into practise the things I taught them. I love the hugs and the laughs, all the special moments.
What I love most is watching the wonderful young adults I raised on my own for the past 20 years. Watching them grow into the person they have become and all the trials and tribulations we have endured over the years. All the years you think they just don’t listen, but when they grow up and leave the nest you see that they have been listening the whole time. Makes you a very proud mamma. 🙂
Motherhood is a blessing when you know that your kids are always there in good and bad days!
Snuggles! and someone to always tell me how pretty I am! 😉
I love being mom to my two kids. I have seen them grow and develop into two beautiful young adults. Everyday is a wonderful experience to be able to enjoy them.
Them telling me im the best mom. Their kisses and hugs. and their smiles.
What I love about being a mom is watching my boys grow up, although it is heartbreaking to see them grow so fast. I love seeing their personality changes as they grow.
Nothing better than snuggling with my boys!!!
I love all the hugs and kisses, the love we all share in the good times and bad!
The greatest thing about being a mom is to see your grown child become successful and happy
I love being a mom spending time with my son and teaching him different things and mostly watching him explore the world around him as he grows. Also you never know what they are going to say next and you can’t help but laugh when your not suppose too.
to watch my daughter evolve into a lovely teenager
The ease with which they grew into fine adults
Watching my boys play is what I love most. Within their games, there is so mucy brillance and so much learning. I blows me away!
I love the seeing the constant changes as my daughter grows and that bond of unconditional love between us. 🙂
I love watching the zest for life that my 3 year old displays when she’s chasing butterflies around the backyard. I love looking at my serene seven year olds sweet face. I love being shocked by the imaginative and extraordinary things that come out of my 9 year olds mouth!
I love seeing the bright eyes and smiles of the children.
I love the smiles, and the hugs, and the even the tears 🙂
I loved the laughter and the smiles, the tears and being able to help them grow up into beautiful, independent adults with families of their own. Even now, every day is different. I have learned so much from them and continue to learn.
The best thing about being a mom is now I’m a grandmother to three beautiful children whom I adore along with their parents, my grown up children, who made my life complete when they were kids!
What I like the most about motherhood is those moments of bliss that are part of sharing life with a child like seeing their beaming face when they have first mastered how to bicycle without aid, or the happily surprised look on their face when they discover that they like something they finally accepted to try, and certainly the endless hold-me-very-tight-and-rock-me hug that we sometimes feel that we simultaneously need at the end of a tiring day… Somehow, it makes the waking up early to make lunches, the being woken up way too early on the week-ends and the tiny though recurrent arguments about whether wearing rain boots is necessary all worth it.
I adore the smiles, laughs, hugs and kisses I get from my 2 little ones. It fills my heart with such love and joy.
I like that they remind me to always be curious and question life around us
The thing I love most is that the relationship with our children is the height of unconditional love. Only another parent can truly understand the depth of love and the fact that we would stand in front of a bullet to save our child(ren). From birth to adulthood and beyond, the experience of having children is miraculous, wonderful and dreadfully scary at times as well. There is no other human experience that can come close to comparing!
I love the hugs and the smiles, and the “I love you”s.
My kids are close in age, and it’s sweet to see them interacting with one another – figuring things out together, giggling and playing together. Their personalities are so different, but their love for one another is unparelleled. I cherish those moments indeed – but of course what I love the most are the hugs, kisses and cuddles we all partake in! : )
The “I LOVE YOU MOM !” it is the best part
The thing I love most is watching my children grow into their marvellously different little personalities with unique tastes and likes and dislikes. I learn something new about them every day and it fascinates me. 🙂
What I love most are the unabashed, unrestrained signs of love from my sons (ages 6, 3 and 1)… I know the days are numbered, and soon they’ll be ignoring me or when I’m acknowledged, it will be with teenage disdain… but right now, I love every hug, kiss and snuggle. KEEP ‘EM COMING!
I love seeing my kids now have the courage to try things on their own, I love them both more than I thought I would ever love anything or anyone. It is so great to see them go forth with confidence and kindness and to be learning how to be themselves.
Well unfortunately I never had that experience, however my niece & nephew are like my own, I feel you don’t have to give birth to love a child, people adopt children, foster them etc. When you see their eyes look at you with love and they know they are safe is a good feeling, also the hug I get saying I love you, or when I help them with projects or school work and I explain something they struggle with and then they get it and a big smile crosses their face, the best when they have a concert or school event and they look in the audience to see if I am there:) Now in school how much they change just in speaking and their thought process is amazing, for all this I thank my sister for letting me be in their life.
My daughter is now a grown woman and we are very close.
The thing I love the most about motherhood is the moment you meet your little one for the first time and how completely, you fall in love with them. I can’t even begin to describe that feeling.
How can you pick just one thing? If I had to pick I would say that I love just simply being able to take care of my kids with all the love I can muster.
The best thing about motherhood to me is just simply becoming a mom. Feeling the baby grow inside you and then after birth, seeing that child for the first time. I felt absolute love…I remember after bringing my daughter home, I put her in her crib to sleep and just stood there watching her. I was filled with so much wonder and love and could not believe that I had just brought this perfect little being into existance. I speak of my children often with pride and love and this has some people wondering if my marriage is in trouble because I never speak much about hubby, lol. But he and I agree, our lives revolve around our children, and neither one of us would have it any other way. We are even stronger together now because of our children. After my maternity leave with my daughter was up, I went back to work full-time and looking back, that was a mistake on my part but I thought we needed the money. After my mat leave with my son was over, I worked full-time for 6 months and decided to step down to part-time. Best decision ever!!! I got to spend more time with the kids and was able to volunteer at my daughter’s school more. More time to play with them during the day, more time to bake and cook…wonderful times. I never thought I would be a stay at home mom and not only am I doing that, but I am so LOVING it!!! Sorry for going on and on but I love being a mom and I love my children…most of all, I love being a part of a website that celebrates all moms, no matter what they do in life – whether they work full-time or stay at home or are doing it by themselves. We are all celebrated and that makes me proud to be part of Urbanmoms!
I LOVE and miss the baby cuddles and wet kisses.
Are you kidding me!! Don’t get me wrong I love being a mother and I adore my children! However, they are super active boys that love to fight with each other and don’t like to listen. Their personalities are hard to deal with at times, as they get older they think you know nothing and they know everything. It’s how most of us were as children, I call this payback…..lol………….my mom would have called it sweet revenge. I love watching my kids sleep and play sports, I also love watching them interact with kids that are younger than them and their elders. That is when I see all the hard work that I’ve done really pays off. After all the yelling and screaming for them to listen and treat others with respect, they really did listen to the golden rule “treat others the way you want to be treated”! After all they are kids and god love them, I know no matter what goes on in my life I am a proud mom who loves her children and hopes that they will turn out to be decent, caring adults.
I love the “You’re the best Mommy EVER!!” that I get from my Missy. Makes me teary-eyed & smiley all at once.
I love just the pure amazement in watching my children develop and grow 🙂
The best thing about being a mom is knowing that no one else in the world is as loved by that child than you and vice versa.
The best thing about motherhood is just that, motherhood. I love my kid with all heart, he’s the best thing to ever have happened to me. He made me such a strong and hardworking individual because Ive always wanted the best for him. Hes a very simple kid but probably the sweetest thing ever. He knows when I am feeling down and without being prompted grabs a kleenex and says don’t cry mommy your beautiful. He has changed my life for the better and fulfilled me in so many ways. My mother was never there for me, never told me she loved me and never showed any interest in anything I did. I made sure I didnt continue the cycle with my son and I show him love every single day, and I will continue to always do so. My son is number one and he deserves to be.
I love the smiles first thing in the morning
The thing i love most about motherhood is seeing how my life affects my children, specifically when i come home from work my 2 year old daughter says to me ” I’m so glad your home mommy!” That to me makes my whole day and shows me that i’m a good mother and my children love me!!
What i love most about motherhood is when they bring home there art work from school and my 5 year old daugher says the funniest things, she has such an old soul to her.
The best thing I love about motherhood is seeing the world and everyday things in fresh new ways through their eyes.
I love being a Mom because my daughter is such an awesome human being. She is socially conscious, amazingly intelligent and so much fun to be with. Life would be so dull and empty without her.
There is nothing that compare to a “Mommy, I love you!” out of the blue! We say it everytime we say goodbye and at bedtime, but when my girls walk up with a hug and kiss and say they love me – it has the power to turn my day right around! Just thinking of it makes me smile!
I love that every day is new and different. Also the look of unconditional love from my 5 month old makes it all worth it!
Unconditional love. Never really knew what it was till I had my children. So amazing.
Seeing the world through a child’s eyes.
I love watching my children growing up to be loving, responsible adults.
The bond that lasts forever
Hugs and kisses.
The best thing about being a mom is when even as teenagers, they look at you and thank you for being there for them. Watching them grow is scary, but knowing you still maintain a bond is the best reward.
What I love the most is the hugs from my boys. Love them!
I love most that I can comfort them when they’re sad or hurt
The best thing about being a mom is when your little one says “Mommy you don’t need to lose weight – I love you just the way you are!” That makes all the cleaning up, repeating myself, and tantrums worthwhile.
Getting big hugs from my kids
I love the way my 2 year old says “mommy, your so pretty, i hope i look like you when im old” and my 5 month old, looks and me and smiles a smile that says u
You re the most importantperson to me.
The best thing for me about motherhood is the sound of my little guy saying “mommy” so precious even when he’s wining! Thanks!
The thing I love most about Motherhood is knowing that I must have done something right because I was a single Mother and all 3 of my children ended up doing very well and they are always telling me how much they love me!
what i love about being my a mom is making my family happy! I love that even when I do the same things for them over and over their still appreciated.
I never wanted to be anything other than a mother and have never been as happy as I am as a mother. My kids are the best and I love them to pieces!
Motherhood for me has truly been a gift. having only one child who has special needs has taught me to really appreciate the moment. It has taught me patience, unconditional love and understanding. I take great pride in being a Mommy. 🙂
What I love most is watching my children as they are close to adulthood becoming their own person and doing what they believe is right for them.
I love being a mom because I get to watch as my daughter grows up, learns new things, matures and become a fine young lady….knowing I am a part of that is amazing!
Just having my child know that I am ready to lend a helping hand whenever she needs me…
my daughter running in the door saying “mommy” melts your heart!
As a new mom of a three month old baby boy, so far the best part of motherhood is spending as much time with him as possible and see his smile when he sees my face smiling at him. I didn’t know I could love someone so much so fast!
Motherhood is the most rewarding gift I have ever been given. In 2008 my Mom commited suicide. Losing her was the worst thing I have ever experienced in my life. My life after that was not the same but in June of 2010 I gave birth to my daughter. At that moment I again felt complete, whole as if my life was perfect again. It was then that I realized the joy my Mom experienced. I still miss my Mom everyday but my daughter has filled my heart with a love so strong that I now see nothing but sunny days.
Being a Mom is a gift I will always treasure and I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to experience Motherhood.
Mom, I love you and will always miss you,
until we meet again.
Love Teresa
3 year olds have the best clothes, too bad they don’t come in adult sizes. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.
The other day my son and I were playing a game…Finish the sentenace: “I love you because….”
and he said “I love you because you have a good job…you feel bad that you have to go to work and leave me with Papa before school…but I love you because if you didn’t, we would be in trouble”
He’s nine years old…and so wise beyond his years it’s scary…
My favourite part is the unconditional love!
I love spending time with the loving children I have raised and my beautiful grandchildren!
I love everything about being a parent from teaching them and watching them grow into their own person. The greatest feeling in the world is when they just say “Mom i love you”
Just small jesters that let me know that they love me. My seven year old rubs my eyebrows when he is tired and he has been doing that since he was a baby. With my older kids it is seeing them achieve little things and the special hug or kiss or wink that says THANKS MOM makes my day
I love it when my kids surprise me with something unexpected. Something funny they say or do, draw me a picture or make me something “crafty”, pick up after themselves, pick me some flowers (or weeds), clean their room without being asked…surprises are good!
I love being a mother because I love all the snuggles and kisses they give me. Also, we can enjoy the amusement park more because we can ride those rides again when we were young.
i love the hugs and kisses
that my adult daughters are my friends too!!
What I love most about being a mom to 4 kids, is the amazement and joy I get watching them grow and learn. They surprise me everyday, make me laugh everyday, make me crazy everyday and although there are tough days, we always end the day with a hug and an I love you. That makes everything worth it.
I love when my kids tell me that they love me than I know I am doing a good job.
I love the fact that I learn something new everyday.
i love the fact that i am helping to shape someone’s life
I love being a mother because it has really taught me more about myself
The best part about being a Mom for me is watching my daughter grow into a wonderful young women. I’ve been fascinated by her from the start (she’s 21 now) and I’m sure she will continue to amaze me! 🙂
The best part of being a Mum for me, was being able to watch my little girl grow into the lovely woman that she is today. She moved out on her own only yesterday and I although I am sad with her leaving, I feel that I have been truly blessed to have had her as my daughter. Sara has grown into an amazing young woman and I am proud to say that, “I am Sara’s Mum”.
Motherhood has been wonderful and I enjoy hearing their stories and laughing at the funny things that happen. A good sense of humor is a great asset when becoming a parent. Life is never boring when you are a mom!
What I love most about being a mom is spending every mother’s day planting the garden with my children. I have done this every year since they were little. My daughter who is 13 is the last one home to do this.
I always find it hard to think in terms of ‘best’, but I am truly enjoying the people my 4 children are becoming as they grow up. And also my 15 year old son’s incessant attempts to make me laugh – he thinks I don’t laugh enough (he’s right) so he’s doing something about it.
For me, the best part of being a mom is that my son has made me a better, stronger person. I have learned love I never could have imagined, patience I didn’t know I had, and strength when I didn’t think I could manage anymore. I have learned that some of the smallest things in life can bring such pure utter joy & happiness. Honestly, for me, there are “those hugs” & “those smiles”…that make me feel so utterly complete.
I love being call Mom and knowing that my girlie just loves me!
What I love about motherhood is seeing my children grow and develop, the achievements along the way are awesome and a make every parent proud of their offspring.
I love motherhood when my kids come home and give me hugs and kisses and look to me to make them feel better when they are hurt or sick. I love sharing in their accomplishments!
I think the best thing about being a parent is the mutual love.
I like that I can finally get to make the rules! Oh ya, and the hugs and kisses.
I love it when their whole countenances brighten up when they see me.
The best part about being a Mother is the unconditional love that children give you. they can be mad at you one minute and your best friend the next.
I think, long term, the thing that is very satisfying is to know that a part of you will go on. Hopefully these little ‘helpers’ will take what you’ve taught them and make the world a better place.
The thing I love most about Motherhood is nurturing the genuine friendship that is developing between my two daughters. It’s not something I had with my own sisters until adulthood.
I love watching my children develop their own personalities, interests, goals, etc. It’s so interesting to watch them become full, unique people.
The smiles, the laughters, the bear hugs and the everyday moments that we tend to overlook.
what nate3333 likes, i kind of don’t! it’s going by too fast! 🙂 but i must admit i love indulging my inner child with my outer children!
What I love most about motherhood is the feeling I get when my son smiles at me… Indescribable and makes all the late nights so very worth it!
What I like about being a parent is watching my kids grow up.