you to get out of autopilot and into conscious choice making around food , fitness and relationships.
2. Write a list of tasks that you will need to do daily, weekly , monthly to achieve this goal.
3 Go to bed earlier. This is specific for new moms. A tired person cant think straight. If you
need to be up in the night then you need to go to bed earlier. No excuses.
4. Set yourself up for success. Don’t put yourself in positions that don’t support your goals. Surround
your self with people who model the behaviours that will help you stick to your guns.
5. Take educated action. This doesn’t mean just do what you think you need to do. Inform and educate
yourself on the "right ways" to get the job done. For example: So many woman still think that
cardio alone will help them lose the fat, or that abdominal exercises will give them a six pack. Both
of these facts are simply untrue yet people waste endless hours on the treadmill of activity that is
direction-less. This of course is discouraging and far from motivating.
6. Know your pitfalls and address them from the outset. Eg: If you work well in groups create one or
find one.
7. Fail to plan or plan to fail. Write out your schedule weekly. Todays busy mom cant just hope to
squeeze it in.
8. Set realistic Goals: Doing so will help you have achievements. Achievements are a source of
motivation. Recognize them.
9. Don’t bombard yourself with toxicity. Too much tv or too much wine. Activities that don’t inspire
you are just that : uninspiring. Instead why not try something totally new that you v’e never done before. It could be meditation,or simply a new recipe. Get enlightened by all the wonderful things that can help you be the best you possible.
10. Celebrate your success. Not just at the end but celebrate the every day successes and don’t hold back. Really let loose and screech with joy if you can. When you get up and go the distance for the day take it into account!
Andrea Page is the founder of FITMOM ( ) and . Having worked with over 10,000 women she now shares her knowledge and expertise through writing and geust speaking.
Jen says
I think the toughest thing for me to remember about motivation is that it is internal. I am the only one who can motivate me! Sometimes I am much better at it than others. Thanks for the tips.