I have just finished reading The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolinski which has forced me into a position I had fully sworn off in the last couple of years: Resolutions!!!
Smolinski’s novel is absolute chicklit with the heroine, June Parker, discovering herself while finishing a list for a twenty-four year old girl who dies in her car while June is driving. For a morbid beginning, it is not such a bad read — very, very easy and holidayish. There were a few almost plot surprises and how Parker went about completing the list was rather entertaining.
Mostly though, I came away with the idea of THE LIST. I had always been a resolutions girl until I hooked up with Mr. Husband who seems to be anti any sort of goal, list, aspiration… He just decides what he wants and then does it.
Me, I’m a bit more goal oriented but I’ve been letting it slide the last couple of years.
So….. since it is New Year’s Eve….
Here is my list (maybe if I put it in print I will actually do all of these things!)
Twenty Things I want to Do in 2008
- Adopt a baby
- Adopt a baby
- Adopt a baby…OK, so this is my primary focus!!!
- Run the San Diego Rock’n’Roll Marathon
- Lose 50 pounds
- Sell a freelance article to a major magazine
- Finish my book or scrap it all together and start a new one
- Stop obsessively worrying about the kids
- Stop obsessivley worrying about the kids
- Stop obsessively worrying about the kids….another huge area for concern
- Try and sell my Muskoka Alphabet book to a publisher
- Declutter my entire house
- Finally decide if we are renovating or moving
- Put decision into action
- Put friends further up on my list of priorities
- Create new and more exciting lessons for work
- Keep car clean!!!!
- Be more patient with myself (my priest told me at confession that if I was more patient with myself, I would be more patient with others)
- Finish decorating the rooms of the Gaffer and Sirtalksalot
- Find and be myself more often…this I hope is actually inherent in all 20!
Do you have a resolution? Do you have a list? Please add it on and let’s see if we can keep each other partially accountable!
Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!!
That’s a long list!
Hope the most important resolutions are resolved this year!
Great List!! You’re going to be very busy!! I think #20 is the most important of them all:)
I’ll help with #12!!
Good luck with your list, Elizabeth! Mine is more a reflection then a list of resolutions but check it out at http://urbanmoms.typepad.com/moms_the_word/
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope at least dreams 1-3 come true 😉