The house is quiet, infact it’s very quiet (and clean too). Notice the picture of the CLEAN sink.
It’s because there is no one eating breakfast, no one eating lunch and no one eating dinner here.
I’m on vacation in my own house!!
On Sunday, we went to Montreal and on Monday I came back to Toronto and they stayed in Montreal to ski. I came home on via rail, which was indeed a lovely civil experience that I can’t wait to do again.
The free wi-fii was awesome and I spent the entire trip using my Iphone to twitter, send emails, play space invaders, and catch up on Facebook. How incredible is that? (I feel like a teenager sometimes, I swear).
I came back to Toronto so I could work this week as I’m not fond of skiing (read previous post – sorry if I sound bossy).
When I woke up – the house was quiet. When I came home after work – the house was even quieter. It’s kinda eery actually. I should really put on the radio or something.
The house is really clean too but I decided to mess things up a bit and didn’t hang up my coat. I just dumped it on the bench, but please don’t tell anyone.
Naturally I’m looking forward to their return on Thursday so we can all celebrate New Year’s together and the house can return to it’s normal state.
In the meantime, I’m enjoying the quiet. The clean sink is too clean though. Good thing I have invited a friend over for wine and cheese tomorrow (oops I promised I wasn’t going to blog about food anymore. Shame on me).
Looking forward to hearing how the skiing trip worked out.