So, we are no longer on the wings of love and Ali is back to find herself a husband. The only problem is that this group is full of total losers. I mean, seriously, I had a really hard time finding more than four guys that I like. And look at that…I didn’t.

I did not like Jay, the lawyer, who says things like “the family that sues together stays together.” Lucky for me, Ali didn’t like him either.
I did not like Kyle the “Outdoorsman.” Is that a real occupation? We will never find out since Ali gave the outdoorsy dude the boot, thankfully.
I did not like Shooter, the premature ejaculator. Seriously? Why on earth would you, um, blow your wad, with this story early in the game? Did he think he was going to make a good impression with this? Really? THE BOOT, of course.
I didn’t like Kasey, the dude who talked a little bit like he was choking on his tongue. Ali overlooked that I guess, because she totally gave him a rose.
I didn’t like Justin the RATED-R entertainment wrestler. Apparently, no one but Ali liked him either, but he still managed to play the pity card and snag himself a rose. He won’t be around long. Mark my words.
I didn’t like Craig M. AT ALL, even though he’s from Canada, AND even though he said one of my favorite lines ever, “I’m so glad you’re not Vienna!” BUT…HAIRPIECE. HAAAAAIRPIECE. He gets a rose, even though he seems like a jackass.
I didn’t like Jonathan, the prepubescent weatherman. Ali liked him, though.
I didn’t like Hunter, the dude who impressed Ali with his ukulele and his urgent need to pee. Ali liked him.
Roberto. I enjoyed everything about this guy, and I’m even willing to overlook the fact that he called Ali “SupaFly!”
Chris L. Aw. He’s a math teacher. He’s a red sox fan. He is from Cape Cod. LOVE HIM.
Jesse. Even though he broke my rules about giving gifts on the first night and he seems like he’s kind of, well, dumb. But I enjoyed him, and he really is one of the only attractive guys on this season.
Frank. He’s super geeked out, but I kind of adore that about him. He is a screenwriter, which is a plus, but he lives with his parents, so, you know, he was kind of a stretch, because this group…THIS GROUP.
What about you? Are you watching? Any early favorites?
I loved Frank too – and I missed the dying mom backstory or I would have flown out and jumped on Chris and moved to Cape Cod. She picked some big loooosers – they tend to get hotter looking over the season for some reason – maybe I just get drunker… I hear its the TO wrestler who causes all the shit this season. AND I just saw the other canadian – talking about ‘clubbing it’ at the Brazen Head??? huH>
I am with you on all the choices. But I just want to know… where did this pack of LOSERS come from? Maybe, just maybe, not in this situation, some of them would have been fine… but OBVIOUSLY they couldn’t handle the cameras on them, because that was just PAINFUL. I agree Christine – I see Dean McDermott too – but what an a**hole. Me no likey.
I am thinking Frank and Chris for the final two. I hope. Other than those two – Ali should just cut her loses (is that how I spell that? Why cant I spell right now?!) and quit the show. There no point.
oh sorry. my bad for prematurely commenting on fb!
Frank was my fave from the get-go and I also fell in love with CapeCodChris. How could you not with the “I took care of my dying mother” back story??
And Craig M – Toronto/Sarnia guy/loser – am I the only one who can only see Dean McDermott when he’s on screen????