Someone posted on twitter a few weeks ago “I just helped my sister decide which Beanie Babies to keep. She is 21 years old. Seriously”.
I thought this was HYSTERICAL. But I also could relate. (I’m blushing as I write this)
No..I don’t have a collection of stuffed animals. I only have four. OK so perhaps that qualifies as a “small collection”. But I passed them on to my daughter (who is 10 years old) and she gets a kick out of the fact that they were mine when I was a kid.
So let me introduce you to my four stuffed friends:
a) Winnie the Pooh. He is now so vintage he doesn’t even look like Winnie the Pooh. But he is circa 1975, when Disney World just opened in Florida. It was a special trip for our family and obviously Winnie was part of that special trip which is why he has hung around so long
b) Snuffles. He is manufactured by GUND and his tag says “1980”. His tag also states his name is Snuffles (no I did not make that up). I love his tummy. I kept him coz my tummy looks like his tummy. (fed..LOL).
c) Mutsy. He is manufactured also by GUND and his tag says 1985. He belonged to my sister, then me, then my son and now my daughter. I love his face and ears. Very adorable without having to walk him, feed him or train him.
Do you not think he is adorable? Please agree with me!!
d) Cecil. He is so old he doesnt have a company, a tag or any information. But my mom tells me he has been around since 1965. (when I was born). If you pull a string, he talks, but he is so so old that his voice is kinda lost. (i.e muffled).
Naturally I have a few other pieces of jewellery and porcelain figurines that I have passed on to my daughter as well. It’s special that my mom kept them and then I kept them (no..we are not hoarders) and now I tell my daughter to keep them to pass on to her children as well.
Did you keep anything from your childhood? Do share…Am I the only 45 year old out there who has kept a few items from her childhood?
i’m 40 and my daughter still has some of my old animals that i can’t part with! i purged a while ago and cried for a day cuz i missed my “buddies”. i need to purge again but the kicker is i need to purge theirs, not mine!!! bad mommy……
Vicky – that Winnie the pooh is hilarious! I (well now Will) still has my teddy bear – Tedrums – he has lavender purple button eyes and his ears are torn. He’s hard and his fur is rough – what the hell kind of toy is that! I also have a porcelain duck that he now loves to pat and quack at!