So here are a few things that were said to my face, whispered to a sibling, yelled at a sibling, and…. okay crap forget all that here it is!
“Since you are my pretend dad, then you get to pretend that you are married.”
“Bastian said I have a big head. His is bigger so how did he fit out of your ergina?”
“I said get out you numskull!”
“Your belly looks big today mom and I know you can’t be pregnant!”
“Can we pretend that I am only child today?”
“Yeah, our parents are the best. They get us everything we want.”
“Why don’t you believe me? I’m serious my teacher said she hates me so I should stay home from school for a week.”
“Quick get out of the room! Daddy did an egg fart!”
“You meany! Grab the babies they will suffocate from the eggfart smell!”
As Tanner lays on the floor crying Ryley jumps up and screams “Really it wasn’t me who pushed him!”
“Where are you old lady!”
Arielle comes running into the house and says to me. “If Joshua says I called him a f*&cker about five minutes ago he is totally telling a lie!”
When asked where he got a mini stick and puck that I didn’t recognize Ryley told me “It fell from the sky! It was amazing!”
“Hey cut it out or I’ll give you a Bi^&ch slap!”
“I’m running away now! Really! Okay well….. could you at least make me a snack first?”
But the all time best came from the hubby (kid #9) who after I complained that I didn’t feel well turned to me and said: “Wouldn’t that be funny if they screwed up when they tied your tubes and you were pregnant?” WTH???? NO!
Can’t wait to hear what else can spew from the little brats darlings!
What has come out of your child’s mouth lately? How do you react?
Until next time,
Chantel, momof8crazymonkeys
Alissa some days my head spins! I think for the most part it’s for shock value really Just to see what my reaction will be – for some the bigger the better lol. My oldest never said such things – makes me wonder what the younger ones hear at school. Sigh.
Wow Chantel! I bet after you heard them say that you sent them to their rooms before they could protest. I have 2 children that wouldn’t even think about swearing! I don’t know what I’d do if I heard them saying anything rude. How do you do it? How do you manage 8 children? I Admire you Chantel!
Well, I love it and kids are listening to everything they hear, whether it is at home or school, tv, radio.
Just the other day my tenacious, precocious, stubborn and extremely independent 4 year says to me after I asked her to do something….”I don’t listen to you, I listen to me”. Oi! Mind of her own this child. I have others, I just can’t think of them at this moment….but out of the mouths of babes….sometimes, it is cute and most times it is for shock value.
Nicole 🙂