I hope it’s here!!! (coz I want to wear my two new jackets)
There is nothing like PEELING off your winter clothes and wearing light colorful clothes.
This year I treated myself to a yellow spring jacket (courtesy of Target) and a pale yellow lululemon jacket (courtesy of @lululemonSG – coz they tweeted about their new store opening). I have never bought anything yellow before. It’s totally uncharacteristic of me.
My wardrobe has way too much black…i.e 3 black rain coats. (how on earth does this happen).
So I embraced spring and bought a few things that were yellow. I am SO proud of myself!!
However, I did not buy the yellow purse. I had to draw the line somewhere.
Now as you know (or might not know), I am a food sales rep.
This means, that I really don’t need to have a huge wardrobe as I visit different stores weekly. What I wear under my jacket is not important (I could wear a pyjama top and no one would know). BUT my jacket and my scarf…are important.
Therefore I invest in new jackets coz that’s the “first impression”..if you know what I mean.
My winter Joe Fresh plaid bomber jacket got lots of compliments so Im hoping that my new Spring jackets will be warmly welcomed as well.
So what did you buy for Spring? Any particular color you like? Do you love Spring as much as I do?
So cool, thx