Hi Gorgeouses!
I’m going to try something a little different right now. See, it’s late already, and I’m JUST getting down to posting. And, here I’m talking like this is a rare thing. No. Not rare. I’m ALWAYS writing late late at night. And, sometimes, these posts take me FO-EVAH to write, research, etc.. And, with the new babe on my boobs, and a terrible-twoer on my heels, I’m not sleeping. So, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about TIME MANAGEMENT. This is a FOREIGN concept for me. I’m a free spirit, see? I do things mostly without thinking. Like writing, right now. I’m not thinking. Just writing……
A-ny-way…. I’m going to see if I can write these posts in a specified amount of time. This may mean the posts are a wee bit shorter. Or, that the formating isn’t as purty….
HOW-EVAH. I need your help. YOU have to tell me in the comments what matters to you here, and if you’re enjoying yourself as much if/when things change. IN FACT! I would LOVE it if you’d tell me exactly what you come here for:
(And, watch me format my arse off right here….)
-Do you come for the pictures?
-Do you come for the writing? Like, for MOI?
-Do you come for the Britney……. (I’m definitely cutting down on THAT.)
-Do you come for the — heh — for the formating (i.e., you LOVE the colour of my headlines)?
-Would you hate me if the posts were shorter? With less items?
-Do you read the entire post when you come here, anyway?
-What, if any, changes would YOU like to see here?
-Oh! And, can I post pictures of my cats here…?
Okay! Enough with the formating. I’m wasting precious time! And, this post is getting longer by the minute! (So much for shortening it today….) And, the rascal (my newborn) is starting to grunt….
Soooooooo, without further ADOOOO……….
check it!!!
Photo, with thanks, c/o Splash.
But…, OOPS! Her FABULOUS heel got stuck in a grate on her way in to the 11th Annual Ace Awards:
Hee! I’m lucky I wasn’t there. Her bodyguards would have pummeled me for laughing my ARSE off at her! but, lookee, she was laughing, too….
Hee. Cute. GREAT freaking dress. AND shoes.
Check Tom and Katie out for dinner in NYC. He’s standing in front of Katie in EVERY picture. Photo analysts must be having a FIELD DAY with this. I just think, whatevs: so he’s a control freak and calls the shots, etc., etc., as the analyst might say. What’s REALLY going on here is that someone très smart finally told Tom this was a good idea BECAUSE standing in front of Katie makes him look ALMOST the same height as her. A wee little TRICKSTER he is! Only problem is…standing in front of Katie ALSO makes his head look way bigger. But, we all know Tom has one of the biggest heads in the world, so that point is MOOT.
Photo, with thanks, c/o Splash.
OY…. It appears there’s a new definition of SKIN AND BONES….
So much for Shia, Rhianna’s got herself a new man — cutie petutie Josh Hartnett. THROBBBB! Apparently, she’s crazy about him: "I have so fallen for him," she said, "He’s lovely…. He is so hot [you got that right!] and he is so sweet to me."
EEEEEEEEEE! Whaddup with Paul Williams’ new hairdo on Young and the Restless? Anyone notice…the crimps? Yikes. That show is sooo bad right now.
DeAnna better win on The Bachelor. Jenni’s so uppety, it can’t be real! Good thing he got Bettina outta there, though!!
And, I don’t know about you, but if I were a contestant on The Bachelor, and I made it to the final three? I’d feel way slutty going to the fantasy room, like, KNOWING that he’s going to "shag" two other girls in, like, the same week. NARSTY! I don’t think I could do that no matter how hott Bachelor is? Could YOU?
Okay, so I took a little longer than I planned for this post. But, the rascal’s actually still sleeping…. And, Y&R‘s as dull as diapers right now.
Don’t forget to answer my questions, kay? I aim to please…AND to get to bed at a reasonable hour….
And, hey? Want more Cheaty? Check my personal blog — THE CHEATY MONKEY! LOVE!
xo Haley-O
I like your celebrity blog very much – you have a fun writing style and you’re not cruel or sadistic. And the pictures are a lot of fun!
Do you come for the pictures?
Yes – because you find the good ones – but I don’t think it needs to be picture heavy
-Do you come for the writing? Like, for MOI?
Yes – because I like your writing and you are funny but not snarky.
-Do you come for the Britney……. (I’m definitely cutting down on THAT.)
No – unless it’s big britney news like the head shaving and then yes.
-Do you come for the — heh — for the formating (i.e., you LOVE the colour of my headlines)?
No – but your headline names crack me up
-Would you hate me if the posts were shorter? With less items?
Yes I would! (hee hee. Kidding) Of course not.
-Do you read the entire post when you come here, anyway?
I skip the Y&R stuff, but who knows – when I’m at home with a baby maybe I will catch up??
-What, if any, changes would YOU like to see here?
None – you know I love you.
-Oh! And, can I post pictures of my cats here…?
Yes. Who doesn’t love Minden???
I come to see the picture, read the writting, and see how bad your taste with men is bad!!(you know I’m not gonna let the last part go!!)
Yes, yes, YES! Love the colors and the comments and the formatting and the number of posts in this new chunk. Love what you say – funny and clever without being mean mean. But does Minden really want to be the next Britney?
more about the hills please. I can’t get enough of LC
I come for everything Haley! And today I am coming very belatedly to say congratulations on the little guy!! I am so sorry to take so long to tell you how cute and beautiful he is and how lucky all of you are!!!! Best wishes!
i love the pictures and your comments. i think we are all britney’d out..(sp?). i’ve always found your page easy to read, but prob wouldn’t notice if formatting got less fabulous! i ALWAYS read the whole post, don’t need to see any changes, but will glance politely away if confronted w pics of cats, (sorry, dog person!). THANKS for working so hard for us even while you’re in the throes of new babyhood, (who is very cute and seems to look a lot like you).
-Do you come for the pictures? yesss
-Do you come for the writing? Like, for MOI? Of course!!!
-Do you come for the Britney……. (I’m definitely cutting down on THAT.) Ummm. Not so much.
-Do you come for the — heh — for the formating (i.e., you LOVE the colour of my headlines)? Never really noticed. . .
-Would you hate me if the posts were shorter? With less items? not at all
-Do you read the entire post when you come here, anyway? yes
-What, if any, changes would YOU like to see here? nada, it’s perfection :]
-Oh! And, can I post pictures of my cats here…? OF COURSE!
I love you foshizzle! Hee. Pics are great especially with your insightful commentary. I prefer pics of The Rascal to Minden but that’s just me. Formatting, nice but not as important. I read it all but would definitely still read if it were shorter.
I think Jess looks great! Glad she can laugh at herself too.
Ange, yikers. Too skinny.
Katie and Tom are just freaky. I can’t put my finger on it exactly but EW.
Heidi is gorj.
I think Josh H. always looks a little dirty like he needs a shower and a shave. Maybe girls are into that?
Photos – definitely photos… And your own lovely sardonic sense of cutting humour!
as long as you keep posting, i’ll keep reading. i love anything you write / post.
love love love jessica’s dress. i think i must have that dress….
don’t you think tom cruise looks really odd these days?
haley you are so perfect.i love your posts and only change what you want to.no matter what you do i will read your posts and enjoy them.good lord angelina looks horrible.she looks like nicole ritchie before she got knocked up.and that is so not a compliment.thats hilarious tom standing slightly in front of katie so as to appear taller.hahaha that is such a cute dress and some fab shoes on jessica Y&R is so lame lately haven’t been watching it for like last week and a half. i don’t watch bachelor but what kind of girl sleeps/has sex with a guy when she knows hes doing someone else too.?
Pictures? Love them!
Writing? Fo-shizzle!
Britney? Not so much
Formatting? It’s great but not necessary, as long as it’s readable
Shorter Posts? With less items? totally understandable
Read entire post? always
Changes? more variety of celeb info
Pictures of cats? Of course!
As for feedback, of COURSE I come for you and your writing numero uno, pics secundo and the rest don’t mattah. Doesn’t have to be long…a little Cheaty goes a long way, doncha know? Of course I love to see Minden, but I’m a kitty-lover, too.
Now, to the post. Heidi is beautiful and classy. My bet on her drink is green tea, much as I would like to say americano (my signature drink). I just can’t get into Jessica. She’s too apple-pie american plastic-surgery pretty, kwim? You can dress her up, but she’s still a life-sized Barbie doll. Katie is so pretty and sweet. Too bad about her husband. And Angelina – good HEAVENS! How does she have enough energy to hold her skeleton upright, never mind carry that big, heavy script around? So sad.
I like the pictures and writing most. Yes I do read the entire post, and pictures of your cat are welcome, but could you make him do crazy things?
About the Bachelor, I was thinking the EXACT same thing! Like how do they sleep with him knowing he’s doing 2 other girls??? Dirty. Plus, they haven’t even known him long enough for sex! I would definitely take the fantasy suite but say no to sex.