Not long ago I wrote about my love for my new rice cooker. You know how sometimes you buy a new appliance and it doesn’t get used? Well my rice cooker is getting used at least twice a week. I’m really loving the convenience of this appliance.
Remember when it was 40 degrees outside and no one wanted to cook? Guess who was using her rice cooker? No fuss, No muss and it didn’t make my kitchen hotter than it already was.
Here’s how simple it is to use a rice cooker.
-One cup of rice.
-One cup of water.
-Shut the lid. Press a button.
Go do laundry. Pick up the kids from camp. Go grocery shopping….
The rice will stay warm till you need it.
Now how convenient is that? Of course I always add something yummy on top of the rice.
It’s endless what you can do with rice.
My kids have grown up on rice (think..sushi). They love the stuff and so do I.
Did you know that rice is great for babies too? It’s easy to digest, nutrient rich, allergen-free and gluten-free too and that’s the reason rice is the first solid food babies eat.
To celebrate my love for rice and my new rice cooker, I’m going to run a contest.
All you have to do is answer this question:
What type of rice does your family eat? White rice…brown rice …basmati….jasmine?
The winner will receive:
- a rice cooker
- a bag of white or brown USA rice
- a Shamoji (rice spoon)
Have a Rice Day!
P.S. If you are looking for more rice contests click here. Plus if you you are looking for any great gluten-free rice recipes you can find a ton here.
are eligible to win so don’t forget to sign-in. Not a member yet?
to join!
Click here for
contest Rules and Regulations.
Nothing at all is as well a lot to ask, honestly! If it can make your procuring encounter far better and with much less worries รขโฌโ do it. Absolutely nothing appeared proper to me, and I received upset more than every thing. Very little was really incorrect, besides that our canine was not feeling properly.
We like basmati but I try & sneak in brown every so often.
My family eats Basmati rice…yum!!
sweet brown rice — i love sticky rice and this has a similar texture with more nutrition!
we like brown and wild rice the most.
We only eat basmati rice
Oh my family loves every type of rice but I would have to say hands down basmati is the overall favorite. If they were asked I know that is the one they would definitely choose a little butter and some spices or a sauce or something else added to it ummmm so good ๐
We love brown rice in our house as it really does have a special flavour all its own when mixed when anything. Much better than white rice which can be so bland at times.
We ate only white until about a year ago and now I have been adding brown rice in so now we are up to over half brown and less white. I have to wean them from the taste of white. In about 3 more months I will have them converted! lol
my family will eat all kinds of rice but we are eating more brown rice at home
Our favorite is Basmati rice!
We eat a combination of white and brown rice but I see alot of ideas posted that I think we’ll try!
We love Wild rice!
my family will eat white and brown rice but we are eating more brown rice nowadays
We eat regular white rice but for a treat we love California brown for its nutty flavor and texture. Add 1/4 cup of wild and cook in chicken broth and it is fantastic.
My family easts all kinds of rice.I love to try new ones all the time.I like a rice that is sticky and thick, my husband likes plain white rice and we often have mixed long grain rices, just cause they are healthy and pretty looking.
We just started making brown rice instead of the regular jasmine when I realized the health benefits that this small change could make for my daughter and I.
Brown Basmati – but I have such difficulty cooking it properly. Would love the rice cooker to ease my way!
we eat alot of white rice but I love wild rice and brown , I always try out new things that can be done with rice and love it all the time
We usually eat brown rice, but I occasionally surprise my family with wild rice as well.
I usually cook white rice.
Hmmm, what kind of rice is our favourite?? Well, white pearl is super yummy and I love the tender texture and flavour. Basmati is also a top pick because of it’s delicate fragrance. Brown rice has that great nutty taste but can be rather dry. Wild rice is fabulous, although pricey. Sooo, I guess the type we have the most is the pearl rice.
We eat brown, wild and basmati rice. Basmati is our favourite!
we love rice in our family…we will eat any kind, although brown is our fav. we also eat alot of wild rice as we live in northern manitoba and have a friend that grows it.
We eat Brown …
My family loves to eat steamed white rice however I’m trying to trick them into eating brown rice these days because I love it!!
we love basamati rice!!
We eat white and jasmine rice.
We eat mostly basmati rice.
We eat brown rice.
My family mostly eats brown rice. It’s our favourite when we add a little curry to it! Brown rice seems a lot more solid than white rice. White seems to get mushy from time to time…but that doesn’t stop us from eating sticky rice in sushi!
We eat brown rice @home. But i love sticky white rice.
We eat Basmati and Jasmine alternately. We love rice with everything.
We particularly like wild rice, sometimes with a mixture of brown.
I cook all types of rice, long grain, basmati, wild rice, jade, black rice….
We eat basmati rice, but I’d like to try the brown rice
I have never tried a rice cooker before, usually just use a pot on the stove. This sounds like it would be wonderful! We use calrose rice which is white. It is a family favorite
We eat white rice often which is what I grew up with and what tastes best to the kids. However I also sometimes mix half/half brown and white.
We try and stay away from white rice.
We eat only basmati rice – both white and brown. It is dependent on how much time we have before the rest of the dinner is ready. Brown rice takes longer, but there are more health benefits.
Although we eat all kinds of rice (white, brown wild, minute, etc.) the favourite by far is basmati rice. I have short grain rice for rice pudding, long grain rice for cabbage rolls, I must have close to 10 kinds of rice. I have Jasmine rice, but I have not made that one yet.
I love to try different types of rice. Although I eat mostly brown rice, I have recently tried Japanese black rice, and Hawaiian red rice. ๐
All kinds of rice, mostly brown. Sometimes mixed. Love sushi rice wrap sandwiches. Big hit on our last picnic and I just told my husband I really need a rice cooker so I can make them this for school lunches….
We tend to eat white rice.
My family eats brown rice because it is more nutritious.
We eat white or basmati rice. We love curry
My family will eat whatever rice I place in front of them! LOL, just kidding…sort of. We primarily eat white rice, but I am a fan of any rice so I try to sneak in Jasmine or Basmati if I can. I am lucky when we can all eat wild or brown rice!
Basmati rice is my family’s favourite.
we like Basmati in our home.
We are big basmati fans!
We love white long grain,,wild rice mixed with brown or white rice & brown rice. For some reason I don’t like Jasmine rice.
We eat jasmine rice.
Mainly eat brown rice -probably would use alot more and different types if I had a rice cooker!
We eat brown rice and wild rice
Our family loves basmatti rice.
White rice
Our family enjoys all types of rice. Brown rice, white rice, jasmine, basmati and
everything in between. We have a rice cooker, but it is nearing the end of
it’s usefullness, and it is a bit undersized for our needs. I can’t say enough about
how useful rice cookers are though. Oh yeah, Sushi rocks!
We will eat a variety of rice, but for most of my recipes, I use white long grain rice and dress it up. It’s just so versitile.
My family loves basmati rice – it is so much more flavourful than ordinary white rice.
In our house it is minute rice…not because it is the best, but we can’t agree on basimatti, brown, wild, etc. Also I never can cook the rices right, only the mintue rice. When I go out, YES I do try other varieties, but can never get it right at home!!
We used to be a run of the mill long grain white family, but ever since we discovered Basmati, that’s all we eat now!
WE eat BROWN rice mostly, and White rice sometimes too!
I’d love to try a cooker for rice.
Our family has just discovered Jasmine Rice. What a treat! Since rice is a food group in our home, it is great to have a new one to add. I have always wanted to try a rice cooker. Thank you for the great giveaway! I was never sure how the cooker would work, but you certainly cleared that up! Thanks so much.
brown rice!!
generally brown
Mostly white rice. So it’s usually chicken fried rice, or pork fried rice, or beef fried rice, etc. etc. etc. Always with lots and lots of vegetables, and fruits at every meal. It helps with the overall balance, as one can never be sure what is being consumed while everyone is at work, and school. Everyone seems to be happy and healthy, so I can only assume that it is working, in our go go go life that we live today. I thank the lord for that.
We love brown rice, but it does take a while to cook up but so worth it. We also eat other variations like sticky or Jasmine.
Great giveaway! Good luck everyone!
We eat a lot of rice too, usually Kokuho Rose white rice, but we also love brown rice, and wild rice.
My family loves rice and we eat a lot of it! White rice, brown rice and occasionally basmati. I made rice pudding a few days ago, I hadn’t made it in quite awhile, it was so delcious! We eat brown or white rice plain, cooked with vegetables, with soya sauce and sometimes I make fried rice, Mmmm…yummy!
We love all kinds of rice but one of our favourites is Jasmine Rice. We also like some of the chicken fried rices in a package
Its been brown rice lately its more fulling and better for you. I miss white rice though but I cant have it due to my diet.
We eat white rice mostly. But I have been switching it up with brown rice now
and again.
My family eats mostly brown rice now, but we like all kinds of rice and eat different types occasionally – depends on the recipe and who’s cooking. ๐
Usually white rice, but sometimes brown, basmati or arborio.
We love basmati rice!
Basmati rice all the way. I find it less mushy than plain white rice.
We eat both brown and white!
We eat a variety…..white rice, brown rice, and wild rice! ๐
I swear by Basmati rice. It always taste great!
we enjoy rice pilaf
Long grain white rice for us. Mix of wild rice occasionally for a change of pace.
Thanks for the contest!
My family enjoys all types of rice including white long grain rice, brown rice, basmati and wild rice.
My family likes to eat basmati rice only.
My kids don’t like eating brown rice so we compromise by making our rice 2/3 white and 1/3 brown ๐
I have Celiac disease so rice is a big deal in our house. We love a white or brown and wild rice mix.
We eat it all! White rice, brown rice, basmati – you name it, my family will eat it! However, I am sadly going to have to part with my trusty old microwave rice cooking pot, so something like this would be ideal for me… Thank you!
I am starting to experiment with different types of rice. I had just used white rice, then changed to brown rice and now I am reaching out to try other types of rice.
Our family loves Chinese fried rice but we mainly stick to brown rice as it is supposed to be the most healthy for you.
A rice cooker would be cool to have around the house!
Thanks for the great contests you have for all your members!!
Oh I must be tired…I meant my kids will only eat white rice!
I love a variety of rice but my rice will only eat white rice…always looking for good ideas to convert them!
We love just about every type of rice in this household but my personal favourite is Basmati. You just can’t beat the fragrant smell of this rice while it’s cooking and sooo tender and versatile! It’s one of those rices that bring the warm fuzzies into my kitchen
Indian basmati rice is our favourite.
I like white rice, add a little hot sauce or veggies,,,Bf likes chicken fried rice only…
We like all kinds of rice, but we mostly eat Basmati rice.
We eat white rice and brown rice.
Love em all!
I would have to say mainly white rice is in our house, just because of easy preparation. However, when I do have time – I Love to fancy things up with brown (so flavorful, and mixes nice with so many spices!), or Arborio. I love making risotto. Mmm. ๐
Our family eats mostly white rice,but occasionly brown rice as well!
My kids will only eat white rice plain, but they love the flavoured rice like chicken and cheese & broccoli. I would love to win this rice cooker
We eat mainly white rice or jasmine with meals. We also like the taste and texture of brown rice.
We eat every kind of rice, in puddings or a main course.
It is a mainstay in this household.. I like the brown rice, and wild rice mix
basmati or white rice
We love jasmine, basmati and brown rice. I enjoy making different types of rice and seeing which type compliments the other foods I am making. It is always a new discovery.
Jasmine or white rice!
We switched from white rice to only brown rice several months ago and my family loves it! I cook a big batch at least twice a week and use it for everything from fajitas to rice pudding.
We eat all types of rice, but my absolute favourite is short grain white rice. YUM!!
In our house we eat Basmati with everything. Sometimes we try to mix it up and make brown rice, but the kids don’t like it too much.
My family eat all kinds of rice such as basmati, jasmine, abori, glutinous, sushi, be it short or long grain. But lately, I’ve been trying to encourage the healthier brown and wild rice into our diet. It takes longer to cook and is chewier than white rice, but the fibre health benefits are worth it. This rice cooker seems like the fancier appliance that can cook soups, stews and congee. How I would enjoy making healthy meals with this rice cooker!
We eat mainly white rice but enjoy brown rice as well
My family has always eaten white rice. Recently we’ve started trying a few other – brown rice so far seem to be the most popular alternative and it’s better for us.
We mainly eat short grain rice, but change it up for variety with basmati, jasmine or brown rice for a healthy change.
My Family loves Brown rice, we eat rice a lot and the kids LOVE IT!!
As a part asian, i LOVE my rice! ๐ I eat ALL kinds of rice…but mainly white rice! mmmmmm
Grew up on the white rice but now I’m trying to incorporate some wild and/or brown rice. Little at a time. Can’t get away from tradition too quickly ๐
My family loves every kind of rice but mostly we eat brown rice for health reasons. Having said that, we often go to our local Chinese supermarket and try out the various kinds of rice such as red, mixed with grains, etc.
My family loves white rice.
We always have a white, sticky rice. The brand is Red Rooster and it’s like the rice you get in Chinese restaurants. So simple, 1 cup rice to 2 cups water and nuke for 10 minutes.
We eat white rice…alot. Either the long grain or the quick cook rice.
We usually have white rice, but I am starting to buy more brown rice.
We enjoy basmati rice and sometimes white rice. I do agree with you – the rice cooker is amazing..
I trick my family with a healthy mix of long grain brown and long grain white. They have never noticed. And I have heard them say how “brown” rice is yuky! Ha! Got them fooled good!
We eat white rice, basmati rice, and jasmine rice… depending what we’re having or what we feel like eating:) I really need a rice cooker!!!
Our family likes rice, not as much as pasta, but they like it. We have always given our children brown rice and I’m pretty sure they don’t know the difference. W try to include healthy choices like this before the kids have been made aware of the not so healthier options.
We eat every type of rice, but mostly plain white. I am trying my darndest to switch to brown rice only due to it being the healthier option.
We eat white rice and lots of it in our house
We eat basmati all the time – we love Indian food.
Hi We love white sticky sushi rice. After living in Japan for 3 years, we came home to Canada and continued to cook a lot of rice, it just is so easy to do and tastes so great. Thanks.
My family just eats regular white rice, sometimes sticky rice!
I love plain white rice! We have it at every meal, breakfast included. My wife will make brown rice a few times a week, and that will do, but nothing tops tried and true for this guy!
Basmati and Sticky (for Sushi) are our favourites. We’ve also been substituting Quinoa for rice… is that allowed? Wonder if I’ll be able to cook Quinoa in the rice cooker?
I love jasmine and basmati rice, but my boyfriend has a passion for sticky rice, he’ll eat it with anything.
I enjoy all kinds of rice and we eat it often.My family loves Indian inspired desserts made with rice.
We like a variety of different rice.We prefer wild rice but for vegan sushi or rice pudding white tastes better.We don’t like the flower flavoured ones.Canadian wild rice is best !
We eat mostly basmati rice because of it’s lower glycemic index and taste but we also eat Jasmine and white rice.
We like to eat a variety of rice but our favourite is a Jasmine Rice that we buy at the local Indian Store.
We don’t eat alot of rice but I think we should start. Probably white rice is what we eat the most.
We like almost every kind of rice. We mostly eat brown rice and occasionally basmati rice.
We eat California brown rice and Jasmine.
We eat brown rice and especially love brown basmati rice. My husband has wheat allergies so rice is a staple at our house. I’ve seen two Asian friends’ rice cookers and would love to have one of my own, especially in this hot weather!
We eat all kinds of rice. After living in Singapore rice has become a family staple. We usually have a brown rice/wild rice mix but sometimes we mix it up with jasmine rice or white rice.
Our family likes all kinds of rice the majority of time we eat
white rice we love to eat stir fry with rice on the bottom.
Tastes good and is is good for us all at the same time.
my family eat all type of rice – whatever on sale:)
We cook white parboiled rice, basmati, brown and wildrice. It’s good to mix it up all the time so that we don’t get bored eating the same thing day in and day out.
Basmati is a favourite in our house some time I add wild rice!
Basmati rice for our family (every time). ๐
I’ve made many types: arborio, long grain, wild, jasmine, white rice, brown rice…….nothing is like the Basmati.
I love making all different kinds of rice for my family. Wild, Brown, White, Risotto, Basmati, Jasmine…
We mainly eat brown rice. Sometimes we get that mix that has all types, including wild rice. We have replaced rice inplace of potatoes so most of our meals include rice.
I made the switch to brown rice! Not even my picky eates have noticed the switch. I’m keeping it my little secret from them.
We love both white and Jasmine.
We eat all types of rice but I prefer to eat mainly brown but also wild rice.
My family loves White rice….but we also love Arborio Rice
I love it with every meal and could eat it every day
My family loves White rice….but we also love Arborio Rice
I love it with every meal and could eat it every day
We eat every kind. It is hard to keep so many varieties fresh though. We have as many rice bins as cereal boxes some months.
wild, sushi, jasmine, calrose, brown long, brown basmati, brown jasmine, purple rice, basmati, arborio.
I could eat rice every day…..
Rice is a huge staple in my house and the preferred rice is white by my son and jasmine by my husband and myself. The rice cooker would enable all of us to have what we like at the same meal!
I do White Steam rice and I Love it and I would Love the Rice Cooker
My family is the traditional White rice eater. I have wanted to try one of these rice cookers for some time, however have not been able to get one. My kids would eat rice 7 days a week if I let them. This would be a great addition to my kitchen, possibly get them to try something different
My daughter loves rice and usually it’s jasmine but we got to try some Louisiana Popcorn rice and that’s her new favorite. Not the one we eat most often though since we have to order it online.
We love brown – so yummy and a good source of fibre. If I win, my cheers would be so loud you would hear us all over. Thank you!
My family mainly eats long grain white rice, but we have rice 2-3 times a week so I like to mix it up and use all kinds. We like them all – brown rice, basmati, jasmine – anything but instant.
Brown rice is our standby, but for special occasions we love a brown and wild rice mix!
we eat jasmine rice!
We love Basmati – let it soak for about 20 minutes before you cook it – it always turns out light and fluffy. Delicious!
We stick to white rice. We add veggies and seasonings to it and it is awesome
My family absolutely loves wild rice. It is absolutely delicious. after expanding our horizons with various brown and wild rices, could never go back to plain old white rice.
White rice only – and I love it. I add soy sauce sometimes for more flavour and just adding some chopped cooked veggies also makes it great. My best friend has a rice cooker and uses it ALL the time. I’ve been so envious – it is such a great product. Thanks for the giveaway. Rice cookers are amazing!!! (and the rice too, of course)! ๐
Basically we only eat basmati rice. We found that brown rice is too crunchy, and instant rices are too starchy, and don’t even get me started on those instant rices..all those extras and chemicals in a rice is not good! The smell of basmati rice when you cook it is just heavenly! So its basmati all the way in this house!
Long Grain & Wild Rice Blend…. it’s the best of both worlds…. YUM!!
We eat traditional white (Asian) rice.
We eat Uncle Ben white rice mix half and half with brown rice.
My family tends to eat instant white rice as I never learned how to cook any other type. Now that my son is cooking a lot of his own meals, he’s interested in learning what alternative rice types there are to the instant option. This would DEFINITLEY help him!
My family likes white rice.
My family mainly eats jasmine, but I like Basmati with indian food!! yummy!!
basmati – just had some for dinner tonight!!
Brown rice is our favourite, thanks
We love the packages of Mexican rice! Super yummy! Basmati is also a favourite with the kids!
We always eat a brown rice and right now we are eating Brown Basmati and its delicious!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
basmati for us!
I love white long grain rice and basmati rice.
We eat rice daily ๐
We eat white rice with spices or mixed in hamburger.
Our family loves rice and we eat a wide variety!!
WE eat long grained brown rice.
We eat basmati rice.
Mainly white rice, but long grain wild and brown on occasion.
Brown rice, basmati, jasmine, and normal white ๐
We like basmati rice at our house.
We eat brown rice most often.
We have used white rice a lot but have been trying to switch to brown rice because it is better for you.
I love rice any way I can eat it!!
We Love Rice too!
My kids love Jasmine and Basmati. I love organic brown rice.
Depending on the dish- always Basmati with Indian food.
usually long grain white – keep meaning to try brown!
Our family prefers parboiled white rice, which cooks up great in the pot ! Thanks for the contest.
Yummy Rice. I love it all, but mostly organic sweet brown rice or organic white basmati.
brown rice always.. my rice cooker is my best friend ๐
I wish I wasn’t saying “white”…but I have yet to acquire a taste for brown rice.
We try to eat mostly brown rice – but jasmine is a nice alternative.
We mainly eat white rice in our house as we are of asian origin.
Since I found out that I was a diabetic we eat brown rice. Just because its healthy for you.
My family likes basmati rice and it’s good for them too !
im a rice cooker fan for life!
I use all kinds of rice, but the one I use most often is basmati.
My family loves the rice my mother makes: white rice cooked twice as long as usual, using excessive amounts of water and doing lots of stirring while cooking. In other words, ignoring all conventional rice cooking directions. I’m the world’s worst rice maker and can’t even seem to master my mom’s unorthodox rice style. For some reason the art of making edible rice has eluded me. I could really use a proper rice maker to be able to show my family how rice should really be cooked.
Our family eats white rice and basmati rice.
We were hard core white rice eaters but I have recently made the switch to brown. Just going to take awhile to get used to it!
Our family eats all kinds of rice but especially jasmine.
We love basmati rice in our house
WE love to eat basmati rice with everything!!!
In our house we eat basmati rice.
Minute brown rice is our fav!
Usually minute rice because it’s easy to make.
We only eat brown rice in our family. I think the only time I eat other types of rice is when I eat out in a restaurant.
We love Jasmine rice and this rice cooker should would make it easier to cook it! Would love to win this one
My family loves basmati, especially when I use coconut milk…although I like to try different kinds and mix it up a bit. I like the different blends from bulk barn. I usually stir in a few tbsp of miso paste into regular white or brown rice as it adds a buttery flavour.
Basmati is the goto fav though, plain basmati w/ butter.
My family eats mainly brown but also wild rice.
Hi there well we love all rice but brown with wild rice mixed in is our fav for sure and I add a chicken boullion cube for flavor
My family will eat any kind of rice, brown or white they like it all.
My family likes to eat white rice primarily but we also love wild rice mixed with white rice for a change of pace!