I am constantly cleaning out the playroom of toys. Constantly. Sometimes I even smile when a toy, is well, broken. I am not happy that my son or daughter is upset that their favourite toy of the week is broken, or that the toy we bought as a birthday present is totally destroyed, I am just happy to get rid of some of the clutter that comes with the toy collection.
I am kind of mad at McDonald’s.
Why would a McMom be angry with McDonald’s you ask?
McDonald’s toys are INDESTRUCTIBLE!
They are so indestructible that we have toys from when my niece was a toddler, circa 1995. I even have a friend whose mom found an old Woody McDonald’s toy from the original 1993 movie Toy Story, I know this because the date stamp is as clear as day under the McDonald’s insignia. Guess what? It is in perfect condition and still is in perfect condition, even though 3 kids and 2 dogs have had their way with Woody recently.
So PLEASE moms or McDonald’s can you help me?
What do I do with all those toys from McDonald’s that the children are finished playing with? I hate to throw them out, as they are plastic, but you cannot seem to recycle them in the blue recycle bins and our local secondhand toy store will not take them (which I find just ridiculous in many ways as they are made so unbelievably well).
Any suggestions, what do you do with your old toys??
Okay might sound strange but sometimes when I have toys nobody wants I will take my boys to the local Cancer hospital or Children’s Ward for sick kids. I drop them off there. The hospital sterilizes them and either gives the toys to the sick kids or puts them in the playroom for siblings to keep themselves busy and it always makes my kids feel good about giving back something they’ve enjoyed!
You can also call around to your local churches and find out if they are having a parent swap where you can drop off used clothes and toys for other parents to grab for their youngsters free of charge!
One time when I had a garage sale I had a whole box of McToys and I would let all the kids that stopped by pick on out… they loved it!
Thanks cntill! I just found out that our local children’s hopice society takes them! They actually begged me to bring the toys as they are very popular.
I know that Value Village takes them because we have bought a few in the bags of toys they have on the walls there…my daughter went through a Shrek phase and we got all sorts of neat fast food toys from the past movies. Grandma’s Toy Shop here in Edmonton also lets all the kids pick a toy to take home when they leave – they have a big box of little fast food toys and such (its such a great idea and the kids love it)