So this post is going to step on the stylish toes of Metalia and on the organized feet of JenB, but since my new year’s resolution is to be more stylish and more organized, and there isn’t a hotter trend around than sticking to new year’s resolutions, I’m claiming this post all my own.
My husband gave my a lovely necklace for Christmas. It was completely unexpected and came in a gorgeous blue box of that certain hue, and I was thrilled with the gift and the necklace. Until I took it off the first night, threw it in my 25 year old jewelry box and woke up the next morning to find this

As I tried to separate my new Tiffany necklace from the preschool treasures I’ve been given over the years, I swore (*&&$%(&*$@) and then swore to be more organized. I have updated my jewelry since high school, so clearly it was time to update my jewelry storage system, too.
Since one of my key (and attainable) new year’s resolutions this year is to shop my own closet, I realized I needed something that would allow me to better and more easily view my jewelry collection. I searched for a couple of weeks and thanks to a helpful tweeted suggestion from our very own Alice, I found a wonderful collection of pieces at my local Homesense. Initially searching only for a “necklace tree”, I ended up buying a beautiful jewelry display case and went home and got organized.
I can’t say enough about this relatively small step. It has inspired me to de-clutter my jewelry collection, keep my dresser tidy and pull out great pieces that I haven’t worn in ages. Want to see? I thought you’d never ask…

It’s the best $38 I’ve ever spent on jewelry, and I’ve been ooohing and aaaahing over it since. While my husband appreciates the sparser dresser, and my daughter likes being able to access all my sparklies, nobody in my household truly appreciates the beauty of this, so I’m sharing it with you, fellow UrbanMoms, hoping for the true appreciation that only a woman can have for this perfect mix of style and organization.