If it’s not Ottawa…then it’s Montreal.
This is what happens when you move away from your family. We visit my parents in Ottawa and on long weekends we visit my husbands’ mother in Montreal. It keeps our life interesting, that’s for sure.
Here is my list on how we survive so many trips:
1. Ipod and good earphones. Still don’t have enough good music but I’m working on it.
2. The iPhone. I have really improved my scored on Space Invaders while travelling to Montreal. (I know you are laughing at me). My daughter has spent HOURS playing with the PhotoCap app. and making all sorts of funny captions on existing photos
3. Videos. My son will watch an entire season of Lost. He is 14 years old. Need I explain? Thanks to Videoflicks on Avenue Road everyone is a happy camper for HOURS.
4. Snacks i.e Tim Hortons and Timbits. Enough said.
5. Newspapers. I love reading the newspaper in a car. I can’t figure out why.
6. Pillows and Blankets. The kids are a great age where they really like to “camp out”. I’m not complaining. It’s cute.
7. Twitter. Kinda related to my iPhone!! But it’s a good opportunity to catch up on all sorts of tweets I have marked as a “favorite” but never had time to read.
8. Comic Books. The kids never get tired of an Archie Comic Book. Need to go to a garage sale to buy them in bulk. (note to self).
9. No Stopping. This really really helps but it rarely happens with the 4 of us in a car.
10. I’m stuck. There is no more survival trips!!
Now try and guess where we will be going for the July Long Weekend?
Hope everyone has a safe long weekend.
For us it’s our wireless headphones for the van dvd players. The kids can watch a movie and we can listen to the radio. Our van also has a built in ipod adaptor so we will often listen to hubby’s downloaded Howard Stern (don’t judge)
For me personally it’s a stack of People and US Weekly mags to satiate my need for celeb gossip (after I catch up on Ali’s Juice). Several people have told me they CANNOT read in a moving car. Thank god I can – it’s how I get through a road trip!!