All 3 of my boys sleep with nightlights in their bedrooms. My husband and I also have a nightlight in our bedroom. And? There’s one in the upstairs hallway as well.
So why is my house seemingly lit up like a Christmas tree in the dark of the night?
Because my husband is scared of the dark.
(He says he likes to be able to see his hand in front of his face.)
Tomayto, tomahto.
Because of my husband’s quirk, my children now cannot sleep without their nightlights on. We bring them with us if we travel. And total chaos ensues if we lose power when it’s dark out.
Do you use nightlights?
Or more importantly, is your husband a ‘fraidy-cat?
My daughter has recently started to insist that her light stays on as she goes to sleep. Once she is totally out we will turn it off but if we try to before she is completely asleep she wakes up and gets upset. I feel like it is so bright in her room but it seems to be something she needs.