I’ve been keeping busy. Visits to Ottawa to see my parents, and now a visit to Montreal to visit my husband’s mom.
Not only are we visiting Montreal but we are going skiing too. Actually I should correct that – my husband and the kids are going skiing. I am not participating. I do not even want to be a ski bunny and sit in a chalet and drink wine while they ski. I am finished with this sport.
Several years ago, hubby and I went to LakeTahoe. Yes, it was gorgeous. Yes it was great for the two of us to get away. But I came to the conclusion that I re really really didn’t enjoy the ski lifts (heights?), the skiing itself (stiff body – can’t relax), or the freakin’ expense!! (not a cheap sport).
So today I spent Boxing Day packing…thermal underwear, ski glove liners, fleece clothing, ski goggles, ski masks, gloves, toe/hand warmers, helmets, snowpants and the list goes on. (see above picture).
Took hours. Much easier to pack a bathing suit and lotion!!
I hear that if your son/daughter plays hockey – that this is nothing. I shouldn’t complain, right?.
p.s aren’t you jumping up and down that I didn’t write about food!!
I love skiing !! Went to Sunshine ( thats in Banff – not a bathing suit resort !@!!!!! ) a few years ago and “found my edges” – absolutely fabulous runs. Now – I can not wait for your triatholon entries – forget the food !! Dont live to eat …..eat to live. I found an awesome spin instructor ! Finally an instructor who knows a thing or 2 about triatholon training . Getting long runs in for Miami Marathon….wait…this is not my blog …its Vicky’s 🙂
Hey Vicky,
Great blog entry. I agree….. it’s much easier to pack a bathing suit and lotion vs. ski gear. But…. skiing is fun once you get into it. Safe travels to MTL. Great restaurants await your arrival.
Hi Vicky…..